What My Dog Thinks About at Night

Saturday, September 27, 2014

If you are human, then you are probably wondering what dogs think about (and dream about, for that matter). Therefor, I am here to answer that question- and tell you what my favorite Border Collie, Darwin, thinks about at night. Yesterday was his birthday and my cat, Momo, caught him a particularly juicy mouse. Anyway, here are a few of his thoughts that wander through his head at night.

-Where is my food and why are they not giving it to me? 

-How can the cat use that litter box, I'd rather use the fireplace..

-Why are the humans doing their business in my big, porcelain water bowl?

-They are asleep and forgot I am still in the house. I shall play the song of my people.

-When are they going to microwave me a burrito?

-I can't believe there are no squirrels out at night, I bet they went to a party without me. 

-Somebody just drove up the driveway. I had better bite their tires.

-The tires tasted good so I think I shall pee on them.

-The humans don't like pee on their tires. I am in time-out in the living room.

-They are watching TV and a doorbell rang on the TV, I'll go bark at it.

-It wasn't a real doorbell. 

-Why do humans stare at those glass reflection rectangles where they see their face?

-There is another me inside of the glass reflection rectangle. Uh-oh.

-The other me is friendly, so I peed on him and tried to sniff his butt. 

-He is copying me and refuses to turn around.

-The humans are not happy about my urination on what they call the "mirror".

-When is morning and why can't I tell time?

-It is 3:00AM, according to the humans, and they still won't walk me. 

-They won't throw my stick either. :(

-I found a shoe. It is delicious. but is a little salty and needs more seasoning.

-Yuck. This underwear tastes like garlic. 

-Why don't I wear pants?

-I tried on human pants.. -SELFIE-

-Humans unhappy with my use of their iPhone to take a doggy selfie. #kibbles&bits

-That hashtag made me hungry.

-Where is my food bowl? 

-It is outside...and I can't open doors.

-Cat food tastes great. Cat is mad, though. 

-Cat kicked me out so I climbed into bed with Human.

-Human unhappy that I licked their face.

-So I licked their feet. Yum, I need some toast for this toe jam :P

-The sun is rising. I want to howl at it to go faster. 

-I howled at it. Howling= not effective at speeding up the sunrise process.

-Human unhappy that I howled for five straight minutes. 

-They put me outside.. YAY I CAN PEE ON EVERYTHING NOW!

-Squirrel unhappy that I peed on it. 

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