30-Day Drawing Challenge

Monday, December 8, 2014

This is a 30-day drawing challenge that I made up, and you can start it whenever you want- whether it's the first day of the month, the first day of the year, or just some plain old Wednesday. Anyway, start today! All you need is pencil and paper, and about 5-10 minutes every day for 30 days. It's simple, so why not try it? (By the way, I didn't draw that)

Day 1: Draw yourself, in whatever outfit. Draw yourself in cartoon, realistic, etc- just your own style!

Day 2: Draw an animal. If you have pets, that's great! Draw them, and pay attention to detail. Draw one in realistic, and another in cartoon. Just draw an animal!

Day 3: Try drawing a glass of water. Simple, I know, but if you can master the shading and lighting on this one, you must be talented.

Day 4: Draw a mythical creature. It can be a dragon, a mermaid, etc. I chose this one because mythical creatures rock, and you can pretty much make up anything you want. So go ahead, sketch on!

Day 5: Go out in public and try drawing the people you see. Draw anyone, it doesn't matter. Sketch the people that walk by, how they are posing, and pay attention to detail.

Day 6: Sketch your own hand. That's right, simply let the hand you don't use for drawing lay limp and draw it, sketch it, whatever. Remember, practice makes perfect.

Day 7: Draw a plant. Nothing elaborate, unless that's how you like it. It can be a flower, a house plant, a bush, anything that is green and grows.

Day 8: Draw some food. Anything out of the fridge or pantry, cake or a sandwich, a can of Dr. Pepper, some cheese. Whatever it is, pay close attention to texture- it makes a difference.

Day 9: Draw a character from a book or movie. It can be Garfield, the Lorax, Totoro, pretty much anything. Just draw them!!

Day 10: Sketch out a side view of someone. To make it easier, have someone sit across from you with you facing their side. Now sketch them, this will give you a different point of view.

Day 11: Draw a cartoon version of yourself. This one should be fun :)

Day 12: Draw a landscape you've never been to or drawn before.

Day 13: Draw some three dimensional shapes, complete with shading and lighting.

Day 14: Draw a random room, with lights and furniture, all three dimensional.

Day 15: Draw a cartoon person as an actual person.(You're halfway done!)

Day 16: Sketch out a blueprint of your dream house. Give lots of detail.

Day 17: While looking in a mirror, sketch yourself :)

Day 18: Draw a vase full of flowers. Simple enough, and yet it comes out beautifully when watercolored.

Day 19: Make a flip book. It can feature anything from a walking stick figure to a bouncing ball, and they're really fun to do!

Day 20: Design a dress. One you'd wear any day. One that's beautiful. Any dress. Just draw one, and a model to go with it.

Day 21: Close your eyes and try to sketch something using only your senses, without looking. Keep doing this until you are pleased with your work :D

Day 22: Pick a quote, and use the words to create a work of art, by using different fonts and templates. Go here for inspiration.

Day 23: Draw your favorite animal in realistic form.

Day 24: Draw your favorite animal in cartoon/chibi form. If you don't know what a chibi is, go here.

Day 25: Draw a friend or family member as a chibi.

Day 26: Design and sketch out a monster, good or bad, in realistic.

Day 27: Design and sketch out a monster, good or bad, in cartoon/chibi.

Day 28: Sketch out a dragon, in realistic. (Dragons are just awesome)

Day 29: Sketch out a dragon, in cartoon/chibi. (Again, dragons are awesome)

Day 30: Draw whatever you want, it's OVER :D

If you want more 30-Day Drawing Challenges, comment below and I'll make more! :)

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