1. Aviary- my FAVORITE photo editing app. It's pretty much the best you can get, for free. There are some in-app purchases, but you can still do so much with what it comes with. I edit all of my photos with Aviary before posting them. I know a lot of people use Picmonkey and Canva, which are both also great for photo editing, and I really recommend them.
2. Sharing on Pinterest. This is one of the best ways to advertise your blog for free. When I first started, I didn't have a Pinterest account, but now that I do, I have a Rain on a Metal Roof board and I Pin all of my posts. Now, GET THEE ON PINTEREST!
3. Be really consistent. Seriously, I've said this before, and I'll say it again- no one is going to read a blog that never has any new posts. You have to create a schedule, an stick to it. For example, a post a day, 3 times a week, once every Wednesday, whatever- just be consistent, or people aren't gonna come back. It's not like how you keep checking the fridge, thinking something new is gonna appear, every 5 minutes. People aren't gonna come back just to see that there's nothing new.
4. Comment on other people's blogs!!! This one is big. You've gotta have some favorite blogs, that you comment on every once in a while. Well, when you comment, you usually enter the address of your blog/website, right? This is how people can access your blog via other people's websites, by clicking on your name above the comment. It's kind of like free advertising, and I'm a big believer in it.
5. Being SEO savvy. If you use WordPress (I clearly don't), then there are plugins like Yoast that can really boost your pageviews. Also, adding labels and tagging your posts really help your SEO. There are also a lot of other plugins for Wordpress that can help with that, and other bloggers have created lists of the best ones- you just have to Google it.
6. Have an easy-to use comment section. That means user-friendly, and sorry, but readers (like me) really don't like that pesky word-verification thing that makes you type in whatever is in the box. A lot of people click away to another site after seeing that and never get around to posting the comment. Also, there are plugins for WordPress that really help with this such as CommentLuv. So go one, get going! Use some of these tips to instantly improve your blog!
If you have any blogging tips that you think I should post, then comment below!
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