5 Blogging Tips to Help Improve Your Blog

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

We've all heard our fair share of blogging tips, and yes, most of them are true. I got inspiration to create this list from many websites & bloggers, but mostly Fat Mum Slim- she's awesome, so if you haven't already checked out her blog, go there sometime; I've been browsing her blog a lot lately. Anyway, the blog tips- let's get to it. 

1. Blog consistently

Stop yawning, this one's important. No one really wants to read a blog that is never EVER updated, so try to make an effort and write a few times a week- or at least a few times a month. Trust me, consistency is key c:

2. Create blog pages 

Blog pages are really simple, and you don't have to have too many. I mentioned here that you need them, and there's a link to show you how to make them- if you don't already know. 

3. Get rid of that pesky code in the comments section!

You know how when you try to comment on something, and it asks you to enter the letters/numbers shown in the box to prove that you are not a robot? (If you are a robot, congratulations) Yeah, those are annoying- just go here to learn how to get rid of that stupid word-verification.

4. Share your blog & posts on social media

I recommend Pinterest- you can easily Pin your posts, and share your blog with the click of a button. Plus, other people will see it, and immediately read your blog! It's great for an increase of traffic, and if you want to follow me on Pinterest there's a purple button on the sidebar, and you can find my username on my Contact page. 

5. Add a button to your blog

Buttons are really cool gadgets that you can add to your blog, just like my "Keep Calm and Follow Me on Pinterest" button. They're super easy to make, and Fat Mum Slim has created a tutorial here

If you used any of the tips listed above, then comment a link to your blog and I'll check it out! c:

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