-When that person put the milk jug back with not even enough milk for a cup of tea. Seriously, it's *empty*.
-When the cat suddenly decides it's time to sleep on the keyboard, and ends up restarting your entire computer right in the middle of a blog post, and then you can't figure out how to turn it back on, and when you do, they somehow changed ALL of your settings. And then they do it again.
-When you're trying to open a can of soup and the "easy pull" tab breaks off. Well, no soup today. (On a completely unrelated topic, my favorite soup is chicken noodle)
-When that one person always uses the wrong "you're" and "your".
-When the same person as above mixes up "there", "they're" and "their".
-When that one person is too lazy to even replace the toilet paper... *double head explosion*
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