Day 2: A list of things you like. I suggest puppies.
Day 3: A list of things you dislike. I suggest puppy poo-poos.
Day 4: A photo of a craft/something you made. (Not a baby)
Day 5: Something you drew. It doesn't have to be good, and you don't have to be an artist.
Day 6: A couple of goals for your blog that you wish to accomplish.
Day 7: Some blogging tips you use that you would recommend to your audience.
Day 8: Your blogging space/workspace. Atleast, the one you use most often, in case you move around (I do).
Day 9: Your pet (if you have one). If you don't have a pet, take a picture of a strangers pet.
Day 10: Something you ate that day.. Whether it be smoked salmon or a Cheeto, write something about it.
Day 11: Something you've been working on... A work of art, a DIY, the world may never know..
Day 12: Tell your audience how you plan out your posts- a planner, a list, something. I'm thinking of doing this.
Day 13: Recommend some of your favorite blogs to your audience. Better yet, recommend me. Or, this blog. Either way, email me your blog address and YOU CAN BE OFFICIALLY AWESOME!
Day 14: Write a few sentences about your favorite thing ever. In the whole world. Your favorite thing, whether it be tea or puppies; or AMERICA. FREEEDOOOMMMM!!
Day 15: Post a few of your life goals; here's one of mine: write a book.
Day 16: Post 3 things that made you smile today. c:
Day 17: Post 3 things that made you laugh out loud today :D
Day 18: Describe what your pet would be like if they were human. If you don't have a pet, use someone else's.
Day 19: Post a photo of you when you were younger, preferably a child.
Day 20: Write a list of your favorite TV shows.
Day 21: Write a list of things you're grateful for.
Day 22: Write a post about something you're really good at (drawing, organizing, DIYing, etc)
Day 23: Post a picture you took outside.
Day 24: Tell your audience what you think your past life was like.
Day 25: Try blogging somewhere else for a change- like the park, a coffe shop, the laundry room.
Day 26: Write a post about your bucket list.
Day 27: Write a post about your anti-bucket list. (What you don't want to do before you die)
Day 28: Write about where you want to go and why (whether you be traveling or going out to a restaurant)
Day 29: Write about what inspires your blog posts.
Day 30: Take a break and write about whatever you want! IT'S FINALLY OVER!! c:
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