6 Different Types of Journals To Try

Sunday, January 18, 2015

I love journaling- and there are so many different kinds you can write. These can all be combined into one book, or even with multiple separate ones. Organized or not, fill up that journal with your life. I've also included some journal prompts if you're starting a letter journal... ;) Also, if you've got a journaling idea and think I should post it, comment your idea below!!

I recently talked about several different types of journals you can keep. Moving forward, I’d like to explore some of those options in greater detail—because journaling is fun and I want to help ma...
-A gratitude journal- to record anything and everything that you're grateful for. Simply write down 3 things every night, (and if you want, 3 more things every morning) and BOOM- a gratitude journal. 

-A letter journal. This is very simple, you're just writing letters to people and never sending them. They can be interesting and fun- I've even included some prompts in the photo. 

-An idea journal- the must-have for your DIY, crafty self. Things you really want to do- build a dog house, make soap, paint the Mona Lisa as a cartoon. The ideas are endless- especially if you just want to write these down when you know you'll forget them in the future. Keep this by the bed and by the shower, considering that's where most people get their ideas. I usually get them in the shower. 

-A blog idea & scheduling journal. These are great for you bloggers out there- simply jot down some ideas for a blog post, when you're going on vacation and what to post about, what to write and what not to write, when to write, etc. The possibilities are endless, and this will help you organize everything about your blog. 

-A list journal- for the OCD in all of us. This journal can be a personal record of to-do lists, favorites lists, grocery lists, bucket lists, places you've been, places you want to go to, etc. This is pretty much for that person who loves lists... (me) 

-A travel journal- because you are probably ALWAYS traveling. (also me) Great for business trips, car trips (I drive to Seattle pretty often), family vacations, camping trips, etc. Just record everything you did, everything you saw, sketches, doodles, descriptions of those wierdos on the plane, maybe you got stuck in traffic, ANYTHING. Spring break is coming up, you might want to start one for that Hawaiian vacation.. **wink wink**

Thanks for reading!! xoxo

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