2. Take all notebooks, sketchpads, ledgers, watercolor pads, canvases, whatever else in that category, and stack them all next to each other. These can either go in a drawer, on the floor (if they're that big) or stacked in a pile on your desk. I keep my notebooks in my desk drawer, my watercolor pads and canvases on the floor, and my sketchpads on my desk next to my easel.
3. Take any paper, sort it into piles, and either out it in a folder or in a stack on your desk.
4. Take any To-Do lists, drawings, inspiring quotes, and anything you would like to be looking at as you draw/paint/write/type/etc. and either pin it to the wall, or hang up some string/ribbon
on the wall and use clothes pins to pin up your papers.
5. Add a small plant. Cacti work best, they never really dry out, you never have to water them, and they're a pretty feature to your office/studio.
6. Add anything remaining (Post-its, etc) in a box and label it. That way, since it's labeled, you won't have to dig through it to find out what's inside. Chalkboard labels are great because they're reusable; just erase and write it again according to what's inside.
7. Remaining clutter can go in different places; create a charging station, if you need your phone/device with you while you work. Hang up some pictures, install a desk lamp if you need additional light while you work. Get a comfy chair, and if you can't, simply add a pillow.
Great! You're organized. Thanks for reading, more is to come in the Organize Your Life series.
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