100 Ways to Smile

Saturday, February 21, 2015

I love 100 things posts, they are so inspiring. So if you've been feeling down lately, and you're just kind of bummed, here are 100 ways to smile. Go ahead and try one.. or two... Or three :)

play in the water. feeling good!   #fashion #photography -Don't forget that some of the best pictures you can get are just taking them while they play-no posing!1. Take a warm bubble bath. 

2. Take some pictures. 

3. Play with a dog. 

4. Go to Michael's.

5. Go shopping. 

6. Have a warm cup of tea. 

7. Watch Grav3yardgirl on Youtube.

8. Write in a journal.

9. Go sit in the sun. 

10. Go to the library. 

11. Read a good book.

12. Do your nails. 

By Neal.  Neal Fowler+ Add Contact  This photo was taken on June 25, 2010 using a Canon EOS 500D.13. Get a blizzard from DQ.

14. Go on Pinterest. 

15. Watch a movie (POLTERGEIST!!)

16. Put on some pretty lip gloss. 

17. Make a fire.

18. Try a new drawing style.

19. Dance.

20. Curl up with your cat under a blanket and watch Netflix. 

21. Paint something.

22. Bake cookies. 

23. Make cheese sticks. 

And there is a thing called a cover of the cover to avoid damaging the cover :) #travelersnote #travelersnotebook #stationery #stationeryporn24. Try learning a new language (I suggest Duolingo). 

25. Try a DIY.

26. Play hide and seek.

27. Make a friendship bracelet. 

28. Collect flowers. 

29. Make leaf rubbings. 

30. Make a collage. 

31. Read Fat Mum Slim's blog. 

♥32. Eat Oreos. 

33. Make Oreo Truffles.  

34. Go on a walk with your dogs. 

35. Watch the sunrise.

36. Watch the sunset.

37. Go on Buzzfeed. 

38. Take some quizzes on PlayBuzz.

39. Try a new hairstyle.

40. Make some lists. 

41. Organize something, the cleanliness will please you. 

42. Make some artisan bread using this awesome recipe.

Just be cool - gilded poster43. Eat some French bread (I just did). 

44. Read some inspiring quotes on Pinterest. 

45. Get on Picmonkey and edit a bunch of your photos, thus making you BEAUTIFUL.

46. Change your iPhone background. 

47. Change your desktop background.

48. Eat some Ben & Jerry's. 

49. Or make your own icecream. 

50. Make friendship bracelets. 

51. Start a blog. 

52. Read your favorite blog. 

53. Download some new apps on your phone/tablet. 

Ice Cream Sundae kit - what an awesome gift!54. Make an ice cream sundae kit (like the one in the picture) as a gift for someone. 

55. Take some cute pictures.

56. Read a book of fairytales.

57. Play go-fish.

58. Try out a new blog design. 

59. Walk your dogs. 

60. Subscribe to a new magazine (Poets & Writers is what I'm getting).

Whoops!61. Go stargazing.

62.  Sew something. 

63. Embroider something. 

64. Knit something. 

65. Crochet something. 

66. Try writing a book. 

67. Have a glass of sweet tea. 

68. Have a mug of hot cocoa. 

69. Curl up with a blanket and watch TV. 
My sorta rain
70. Start a bullet journal. 

71. Make chocolate chip cookies. 

72. Listen to Cher Lloyd and Becky G.

73. Curl your hair. 

74. Go online shopping. 

75. Buy a bunch of craft supplies. 

76. Start a gratitude journal. 

77. Plant flowers. 

78. Braid your hair. 

79. Braid someone else's hair. 

80. Buy some new makeup.

Pretty shoe clips. Please.81. Go to the movies. 

82. Set up a home theater (I have one).

83. Buy gifts for someone. 

84. Play Just Dance. 

85. Or Rock Band. 

86. Make Jolly Rancher lollies.

87. Buy some new shoes. 

88. Dress up your cats.

89. Host a get-together.

90. Play Crazy 8's.

91. Play war (card game).
What you see.

92. Decorate things with washi tape. 

93. Write about 3 reasons why you're happy. 

94. Make a list of all the things you're grateful for. 

95. Make a playlist of your favorite songs.

96. Camp in the "great indoors".

97. Make a recipe book.

98. Make a time capsule.

99. Invent a game. 

100. Drink some coffee. 

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