Tips for an Insanely Productive Morning

Sunday, February 1, 2015

If you're a morning blogger (like me), then you are always totally focused on having a totally productive morning, for the sake of you and your blog. So I made this list, which was inspired by many other bloggers, about how to get the most out of your morning. Here you go, I really hope this helps you. Don't forget to leave a comment below telling me what makes you most productive in the morning!

1. Before you hit the pillow every night (and by that I mean, right before you go to sleep), write down everything you MUST do that morning (e.g, write a blog post, finish a post, update blog design, etc.) on any old notepad, or on your phone if you like. Write down EVERYTHING. Number them as to how important they are, number 1 being most important to get done.

2. As soon as you wake up, before you even eat, get rid of number one on the list. Whether it takes 5 minutes or 30 minutes, do it. It's important to do the most vital one on the list. 

3. Now, for doing number one, reward yourself with some breakfast as a pat on the back for getting it done. Good job, but don't eat a Snickers bar for breakfast. 

4. Work for the next hour or so (depending on your schedule) without any social media tabs open. No, don't get on Facebook or Twitter, and keep Pinterest closed. You can't risk getting distracted. Keep social media closed until you've finished at least 1-2 posts. 

YAY! Your morning has been productive, and now you won't be guilty all day for not doing anything all morning besides going on Twitter in bed all morning. I hope it helped. 


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