Tips for Working Your Blog into Your Schedule

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

One of the main excuses for people when they say they don't blog is because they don't have enough time. This is completely understandable- and a very reasonable excuse for a lot of people. But for some people, their blog can very possibly be put into their schedule and therefore, blogging can BEGIN!

1. Set aside a certain amount of time for every day, starting with a small amount of time (5-10 minutes), and use that time every day to blog. Some people blog late at night, I blog early in the morning, but I also blog late at night. Anyway, set aside small amounts of time at first, then bigger amounts of time, until you find the suitable amount to fit your blog. Usually, 30-45 minutes is good to write a few posts and maybe some time to work in a little blog design (if needed).

2. Avoid distractions at all costs- which means closing all social media tabs and setting a timer. Once you set the timer for about 30 minutes, stay in the tab with the blog post until the timer goes off. This will keep you focused, and keep you from getting distracted.

3. Don't be afraid to wake up a little earlier or stay awake a little later to blog, but don't let it destroy your sleep cycle- no sleep= no focus= bad posts. Don't let blogging take over your life and keep you from having a normal life... But seriously, set aside some time (like waking up a little earlier) to blog. 

I hope this helped you, tell me if you think I missed anything important. 


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