2. Take one weekend- just one- and try to get as much done as humanly possible. Blog as much as you can, clean the entire house, organize everything, and all while doing this- blog about your progress and tips for other people who might want to try it. (I must do this this weekend- so excited)
3. Try to capture your entire life in a nutshell- only a few paragraphs. Yep, your whole life. This will help your readers get to know you.

5. Make a wish list, of all the things that you'd like to buy/receive as a gift (e.g. EOS lip balm, washi tape, etc) and post that list. You might just get what you want if the right person's reading.
6. Make a list of all your favorite blogs with links to all of them- everyone likes a little free advertising they didn't ask for, and you could be doing someone a huge favor- perhaps directing thousands of readers with one simple link.

8.Write a to-do list of everything you need to get done this week and post it- writing about it might motivate you to get it done faster!
9. Make a list of your blogging goals for this year, and how you're going to accomplish them.
10. Post your favorite not-so-secret recipe ever, complete with photos you took yourself and special tips to make it even better.
11. Post your favorite DIY with lots of photos and details, along with a description of why you love it so much.
12. Write a post from the point of view of your dog/cat/other pet and how they view you and your love for blogging. Just don't forget to tell your readers that it's your dog writing the post!!

14. Write a list of things about YOU that people can't find on your ABOUT page, that they wouldn't otherwise know about you, that are interesting facts and tid bits- e.g. your fears, your likes & dislikes, fave foods, etc.
15. Do an outside photo shoot- you don't have to hire a pro photographer, you don't have to have an ultra-expensive camera, you don't have to be perfect. Just take a couple of photos outside (with your iPhone perhaps??), add a few filters, and post them to your blog with a caption. See? Easy!

17. Have someone do a guest post- they're fun, new, and the best part- you don't have to write it. Add a co-author, even. Or just have a friend write a cool post while you kick back with a smoothie... (or a milkshake, I like those better)
18. Write a DIY roundup! As someone who does them every Friday, I can promise you they are uber fun and everyone loves reading them. You can chose any number of DIYs, but I do 7- do you think that is enough/too much?
19. Simply write about 3 reasons that you're happy today. They are positive and inspiring, and kind of like a gratitude journal- do you keep a gratitude journal, too?? YOU SHOULD!

21. Write about a role model of yours and how they inspire you- you might inspire someone else, or you might be a role model to some other awesome blogger out there!
I hope you liked these, and if you truly love them, then I'll try to do one for April just for YOU. Have fun blogging!!
xx Savannah
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