2. I've got this weird obsession with office supplies- I've got like 40 notebooks in my closet and I am on the path to writing in all of them. Notebooks make my mouth water, along with paper (seriously), sticky notes, and mini staplers. I need a stamp with my name on it, a stamp with my blog address on it. I want business cards, too.
3. I feel like online shopping is just the coolest thing in the world- no one is rushing me to get out of the craft aisle already because the store is closing.
4. I drink lots of tea. Hot tea, cold tea, sweet tea, English tea, breakfast tea, Irish tea, etc. I'm drinking tea right now- English Breakfast tea. Yumm- what's you favourite kind of tea??
5. Having the perfect workspace is the key for me, and since I don't have an office and am working on a laptop, the kitchen island is my workspace.
6. I have really long, skinny legs so shopping for jeans is like the hardest thing ever for me. They're either too short or too baggy- there's no in between.
7. My favorite Youtuber is Grav3yardgirl- my sister and I love her, we can't live without her videos.
9. I don't type using home row, I use my 2 index fingers. But I'm a faster typer than the average bear- how do you think I manage an entire blog?
11. I'm in love with baked cheese crunchies- I'm currently eating from a bag of them that I got at Trader Joe's yesterday.
12. The stores I enjoy shopping at (for clothes) include Old Navy, H&M, and my local thrift shop Paisley's.
13. I'm a total Potterhead- deathly hallows all the way. Though I haven't watched any of the movies besides the first one, I recently finished all of the books.

14. Fourteen is my favorite number. I don't know why, so don't ask me.
15. My favorite season is Summer- because of the swimming, the sleeping, the eating, the HOT. (also my birthday)
16. I am constantly wearing mix-matched socks, because, in life, you don't need to be the same- you just need to be together. (how inspiring was that?)
17. I am terrified of wasps- I'm not allergic, I just hate things that sting and stab.
18. The college I want to go to is the Savannah College of Art & Design and I'd like to study graphic design.
19. I love Oreos- but I don't eat them. Instead of the classic sandwich cookie, I eat Oreo ice cream, Oreo blizzards from DQ, and Oreo cheesecake. How crazy is that?
20. Reading is one of my favorite things to do- but I actually read more in the Summertime than I do in a whole school year.
Please tell me one (or more) things about you so that I can get to know you just a bit more. Thanks for reading!
xx Savannah
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