3 Tips for Planning Blog Posts

Friday, April 3, 2015

If you have a blog (I start off a lot of posts this way, don't I?), then you have a blogging calendar. You probably have to schedule blog posts- and if you do, then here are a couple of tips to help you out. These are great tips sure to help out any blogger- whether you be a professional typer-doodadie or a beginner blogger, then these should help you and I'm really happy to give out these little tips for people who are either having some trouble or are simply a little curious. Anyway, here they are.

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Chocolate coconut cookie dip (dairy free!) @califiafarms1. First of all- every morning (or at least every day), have a little brainstorming session. This can last as little as 5-10 minutes or as much as 45 minutes to an hour, depending on the time frame you have to work with. If you can, do it with someone else (it doesn't even have to be another blogger, just a friend or someone) so that you have someone to bounce ideas off of. Take inspiration from anywhere, whether you're at the grocery store or a restaurant, and use that to brainstorm. I'm a big believer in carrying around a little notebook- I have the cutest little leather one! Use these for ideas- it's always great to have too many ideas so that you can scratch out the weak ones and empower the strong ones. 

2. Remember- sticky notes are your friend. Use them for planning, because some posts aren't permanent, and neither are sticky notes. Some posts might get bumped for a variety of reasons, you never know. Also, it's best to buy them in a variety of colors so that you can color-code things and it's just fun the have the rainbow at your finger tips. Color-coding is a great way to stay organized and I highly recommend it.
3. Make drafts. Seriously- if you're on your on your blog and have an idea, simply open up a new post to start and save the title for later. Eventually, you'll find it and want to finish something you've already started, so that post isn't forgotten and you have something to inspire your readers with.

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