My Favorite Books That You Should Read

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

I'm a total book worm. Reading is one of my passions, along with blogging, and I choose to pursue those passions every single day. I am currently reading Coffeehouse Angel by Suzanne Selfors. It's a great book, and though I don't really like the cover (it has a weird, dreamy looking dude on it, as though it's a romance novel), it has such an intriguing plot that I choose to continue. Here's a list of all of my favorite books, and some of them are a series. 

1. Harry Potter
The Social Type knows how to make matchboxes sassy and cute- Love it! | 
2. The Hunger Games Trilogy

3. The GONE Series

4. Counting by 7's 
5. Little House in the Big Woods

6. Little House on the Prairie

7. The Immortals Series 

8. Teatime for the Firefly

9. Harriet the Spy

10. Doll Bones

11. So B. It

12. Amber Brown books. 

And that's it so far; I have tons of favorite books, but don't worry, because I'm probably gonna update this with tons of great books. Thanks for reading.

xx Savannah

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