5 Myths About DIYs

Friday, May 1, 2015

While browsing the crafty side of Pinterest, a lot of people automatically assume crazy things that get passed on and turned into myths. These myths get passed around via social media, and because of these myths, people don't try the DIY because ONE person decided to make an untrue assumption about it- but no one can prove this person wrong because no one has yet to try the craft due to the myth scaring them off. There are a couple of myths floating around about DIYs and, thus the name, they are all very false. I'm writing this post to point out those myths so that you are no longer terrified to try out that uber cute faux leather clutch and all those other things on your "If I Was Crafty I'd Do This" board. If you browse my Pinterest page, you know that board is mine :)

Heart, Decoration, Love, Luck, Romantic, Abstract1. You need a ton of equipment. This is very untrue, because a lot of crafts only need a glue gun and a hole puncher. If you don't have either of those things, that's okay, because you can borrow from a friend; they're are pretty cheap at your local craft store.

2. It has to be done alone. Not necessarily; look for a buddy willing to help you out, you won't be lonely and the process will most likely go quicker. 

3. It's not hard. Don't get swept up in a fun weekend of you and a friend having a ton of fun repainting some cabinets and having it done and amazing; you are going to get dirty and will most likely hammer your finger into a wall, so don't just assume it's that easy. 

4. It takes no time at all. Keep in mind, if you watch a lot of DIY shows, TV has a fast forward button. No, it doesn't take 10 minutes to completely paint a house. Remember that this might take a while, and you most likely won't get it all done in one day, depending on the craft.

5. It's too expensive. Not true at all- sewing projects and simple things like that are easily very cheap, because you don't need all that fabric (just buy a scrap, or a yard if it's a big project). Just buy all that you need from Michael's or someplace like that and it won't cost more than a penny from your pocket. 

Those are most of the commonly known myths about DIYs that gets a lot of people thinking weird things. Thanks for reading, I hope this has inspired you to get crafty this weekend!

xx Savannah

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