4 Qualities Your Best Blog Post Should Have

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

I'm going to be writing a whole lot of posts about blogging tips in the next week or so, because when using a blog post generator, I almost ALWAYS end up using the keyword "bloggging". FYI, my all-time favorite blog post generator is this one, BLOG ABOUT by Impact. You simply enter your keyword(s), and if you like the post, click the little heart and it goes onto your list, which can be emailed to you. I use it really often when I can't come up with blog posts and don't have time for a full-on brainstorming session. Honestly, it's super helpful and you should try it out. But, once you HAVE written that blog post and you're ready to click Publish, stop-wait a minute. I know I JUST wrote a checklist yesterday, but get ready for another one.

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2. Does it include a Pin-worthy image? I use Picmonkey to make most of the images on this blog, and you should, too. The optimum Pinning size for your photos should be 735 x 1102 pixels. To do this on Picmonkey, under "Design", select "Custom", and enter those numbers to ensure a good image size that will make EVERYONE want to Pin your post.

3. At the end of your post, ask a question for your readers to answer in the comments! I get SO excited when a reader comments, and trust me, you will, too. Don't you get a teensy bit excited? Yeah you do. Anyway, giving your readers a reason to comment is awesome- just don't forget to turn off Captcha (it's uber annoying). 

4. Lastly, have a good intro, and something at the end, too. Say hello, get personal, talk about your life. There's nothing I like more in a blog than a little bit of the blogger's personal life squished in. For example, my sister's birthday was on Monday, and we went to see Disney Pixar's Inside Out (we really did). 

So, does your BEST blog post include these 4 simple qualities? If you're a total pro, I bet it does. Tell me in the comments below what you think the ultimate blog post quality should be. Thanks for reading!

xx Savannah

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