2. Write about (and maybe make a video about) what's in your purse/bag/backpack. It's surprisingly interesting to see what other people carry around with them e.g. beauty products, emergency items, etc.
3. Reverse bucket lists are so cool- it's pretty much a big list of stuff you really DON'T want to do before you die. Fun, right?
4. Organizational tips. Everyone's a bit messy, so why not share your secrets?
5. Share a couple of your favorite recipes, whether they be your own, or off of your foodie Pinterest board.
6. Your skincare routine! We wanna know what you're doing in the morning, before bed, and throughout your day! Your skin is important, and so is keeping readers.
7. Awkward and awesome moments from your week. It was pretty awesome when I spun out on my bike, but awkward when I couldn't hear the store clerk so she repeated herself 5 times and I still couldn't heard her.... *crickets*
8. Your book list, aka what you plan on reading this year, and also a list of books you read in the past year.
9. Pet guest post!!!! Everyone loves cute and furry animals, so why not let your pet take over one day? It'll be fun and we'll all love it, so do it.
10. Finally, your jewelry box. I'd like to snap a few pics and post what I keep in my little jewelry box- I think it would be interesting.
I haven't written one of these in ages, and it was so much fun! I love sharing cute and fun ideas with you guys and I can't wait to write for you again tomorrow, which is a DIY Roundup- I can't wait. Thanks for reading!
xx Savannah
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