Having a blog is actually quite difficult, because it's all about criticism. People are constantly criticizing you for endless reasons, and it's hard to keep them happy, because not everyone wants the same thing. Perhaps one person doesn't like something about your design and wants you to change it, but another person thinks it looks great just the way it is. Who are you going to listen to? You're probably going to freak out, get stressed, and wonder how to keep these random people happy. Keeping them happy is easy, but for some people, it can be a but harder. But I thought about writing a blogging tips post today because I haven't written one in a few weeks or so, and I like to have a variety of posts on this blog, so here you go- a tutorial on how to keep those reading your blog happy & engaged.
First, have a pretty design. I've been thinking about redoing my blog design for a little while now, and I think it's a good idea, so tell me what you would think about that in the comments. I've said this before- uber neon is out, make sure your photos are the right size, and for god's sake, PLEASE have a legible font. Not all of us have the easiest time reading tiny, loopy cursive. Don't have too many gadgets, it will distract from the content. Try to limit the number of ads on your page, especially pop-up ones. I don't like those pop-up ads that ask me to subscribe to your blog- it's annoying and I'm not gonna subscribe the first time visiting your site.
You need to have consistent content that doesn't include too many subjects. I keep it easy- DIYs, journaling, blogging tips, listicles, art, nail art, etc. If you've never written about fitness ever on this blog, then don't write about fitness because it has nothing to do with anything. Also, try to do something weekly that your readers will look forward to- such as Friday DIY roundups, Sunday Favorites, nail art Saturday, Motivation Monday, etc. It's awesome, and it gives you something to write that day, instead of planning something random. When I say "be consistent", I mean, don't write every day for a month and then drop of the face of the earth for a couple of weeks. Seriously, WHAT? That's weird and we want to expect a new post every day, every week, 3 times a month, whatever.
Again with the content- make sure it's good content! Write something worth reading, not something just for the sake of writing. If you don't have any good content to share today (I know this goes against what I said above, sorry), then take a day off. The next day, tell them you had blogger's block and your readers will probably understand and will always forgive you. Just remember- DON'T WRITE FOR THE SAKE OF WRITING! Have quality content. That's all I have to say.
I say this so much it's become my life quote- turn the freaking Captcha off becaue ain't nobody wanna do that every time they leave a comment. I use Disqus because it's pretty and people like it, and it's totally free (try it out).
That's all I really have to say for today, I feel like this was a little rant, and if it was, SORRY :( I know people don't like little rants, and even though I feel like I wrote one, don't write one yourself because that will NOT keep your readers happy and engaged. Thanks for reading!
xx Savannah
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