Again with the content- make sure it's good content! Write something worth reading, not something just for the sake of writing. If you don't have any good content to share today (I know this goes against what I said above, sorry), then take a day off. The next day, tell them you had blogger's block and your readers will probably understand and will always forgive you. Just remember- DON'T WRITE FOR THE SAKE OF WRITING! Have quality content. That's all I have to say.
I say this so much it's become my life quote- turn the freaking Captcha off becaue ain't nobody wanna do that every time they leave a comment. I use Disqus because it's pretty and people like it, and it's totally free (try it out).
That's all I really have to say for today, I feel like this was a little rant, and if it was, SORRY :( I know people don't like little rants, and even though I feel like I wrote one, don't write one yourself because that will NOT keep your readers happy and engaged. Thanks for reading!
xx Savannah
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