How to Be More Productive Over the Weekend

Thursday, November 19, 2015

Weekends are great- like, really great- but they're notorious for being, er, not productive enough. Nothing ever gets done. I just started my Thanksgiving break, which is kind of like on giant weekend, but I have to write practically a novel and it sucks, but it has to get done. There's a ton of stuff in the way of this, e.g. my new favorite addicting app (King of Thieves), FOOD, my cat, ...... yeah. So here are a couple of tips that will help you to crack down and get to work~

tumblr n48akhkbI61rqeb09o1 1280 70 Inspirational Workspaces & Offices | Part 21: 1. Unplug for a bit. No, not your computer, unless you're not working on it. But if you're like me and you charge your phone right next to your computer, either put it somewhere else across the room so that you're not tempted to use it or just turn it off completely. 

2. Close ALL additional tabs. I know there are a couple of programs that can keep you from going to certain sites for a certain amount of time e.g. Pinterest, Twitter, Facebook, etc. but what you can also do is go into Google and put in a timer for how ever long you'd like. (type in timer 5 minutes, for example) Now just work without stopping until that timer goes off! It's easy as pie. 

3. Try going someplace else for a change. Instead of your kitchen table, head to your bedroom for some peace and quiet- or if you're feeling uninspired and NOT productive whatsoever, maybe head to your local Starbucks and chill out there with some calming music and a latte. A simple change of scenery can make all the difference. 

4. Like I said above with the change of scenery, put on some headphones and turn on Spotify so that you aren't distracted all the time with your cat meowing or your family chattering away. Block all of that out with a peaceful playlist and finally FOCUS!

5. Finally, clean up your workspace. If you don't, you'll be distracted and driven crazy by the mess and you won't get anything done, trust me. So just take a couple of minutes before you get to work and declutter a little bit and you'll finally finish that blog post or reply to that email without being distracted by the newspapers and dirty dishes in the way of your productivity. 

I hope this encourages people to boost their productivity over the weekend, or maybe even over Thanksgiving break- it sure helped me (haha). I just cleaned the entire kitchen, moved my phone across the room, and I'm listening to some serene music. 

xx Savannah

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