2. If you can't sleep before a big test or exams or whatever (NOT if you're sleeping fine, just if you can't sleep anyway) then go over the content you'll be taking a test on the next day. Read over your notes, that kind of stuff. You'll fall asleep because you're so bored and even dream about the stuff you just read, allowing for you to remember it better the next day.
3. Try to have a study group with some friends, or just some really smart people you know, and you can learn this stuff and go over things every day for a couple of days/weeks, and then go over it once more the morning of. Doing it with some god friends will help you not get very stressed out, and you probably won't be afraid of asking them for extra help.

5. Turn off distractions! You might be one of those people who is studying online or using their laptop as they study, well, in this case, SOCIAL MEDIA IS EVILLLL. It's going to distract you and you won't get any work done. The same goes for your phone- turn off notifications and put it on the complete other side of the room (unless you're using it to study). Distractions are your worst enemy, let me tell you, just a few minutes on Twitter can turn into hours of not being productive.
6. Take a couple of breaks here and there. Not long ones, just five minutes for every hour- for example, if you studied for four hours, a twenty minute break would be good. Or you can bump it up to ten minutes per hour, whatever you think feels right- but do take a break. You might think that studying for hours and hours without breaks is productive and good, but it's really not. It's bad for you. Take a break here and there, get something to eat, watch a couple of YouTube videos, relax.
7. Listen to soothing music as you work. Not loud, and not something you're going to stop working and sing along and dance to.... Just quit, relaxing music to soothe your mind and help you to not get so stressed out.
I really hope these helped you out a lot because I know how stressful this time of year can be with the holidays and everything. Study hard, play hard!
xx Savannah
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