50 Things That Make Me Happy TAG

Monday, February 15, 2016

I've been seeing these posts floating around a lot lately, and they're really inspiring and just make me happy whenever I read them, so I decided to write one today since I have a lot of extra time on my hands- Happy Presidents Day! And thank you, George Washington, for making it so that I don't have classes today <3 b="">

Free stock photo of beans, coffee, cup, cappuccino1. Kitty paws
2. Latte art
3. Tropical places
4. Watching John Hues movies
5. Planting a garden
6. Big cups of black tea
7. Dark days, with lots of rain
8. Adopting a stray animal
Free stock photo of mountains, nature, sunset, forest9. Sleeping with my cat
10. Hearing my favorite song come on Spotify
11. Finding a new favorite app
12. Summer nights, out on the porch with a candle
13. Watching movies on the big screen
14. The smell of coffee and breakfast in the morning
15. Fuzzy, soft blankets on a cold day
16. Stephen King books
17. Seeing the city
18. The smell of lavender
Free stock photo of nature, plant, leaves, flower19. Watching TV on a rainy day
20. Taking hikes early in the morning
21. Waking up on a rainy day, under the covers, all cozy
22. Buying new notebooks
23. Learning something new
24. Knowing that I helped someone today
25. Drawing with ink
26. Feeling beautiful
27. Laughing until my stomach hurts
28. Making someone else laugh really hard
Free stock photo of coffee, cup, drink, espresso29. Changing the wallpaper on my phone
30. Painting my nails
31. Shopping for new clothes
32. Eating caramel toffee scones
33. Drawing something, and then liking it
34. Shopping for fireworks in the summertime
35. Swimming on the hottest day of the year
36. Counting down the days until vacation
37. Eating something healthy
Free stock photo of branches, cherry blossom38. Going on adventures with your friends
39. Having a sweet tooth
40. Perfect comfy summer outfits
41. Shopping for things online
42. Getting packages in the mail
43. Changing into soft pajamas after a long day
44. Taking super relaxing, hot baths
45. Sunsets on vacation
46. Eating my favorite candy
47. Forest adventures
48. Making cheese sticks
49. Playing on the PS4
50. Curling my hair

I had so much fun writing this, and I can't wait to write another one in the future- it was so easy to come up with a bunch of things that just make me really happy. 

xo Savannah

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