6 Travel Tips to Ensure a Fun Vacation This Summer

Monday, August 22, 2016

Guys, I just got back from Georgia and oh my gosh I have tons of travel pictures to share this week on the blog! If you'd like a sneak peek then you can follow me on Instagram @savannahbby_14 or just wait until later, but following me on Instagram would be awesome... ;) I have bunches of travel tips to share with you in case you'll be traveling before the summer ends (lets face it it's basically over) or when the holiday season comes, which is very soon.

1. Don't wear tennis shoes on the plane! Don't wear shoes that you have to tie, for that matter. You're going to have to take them off in airport security, and they're very uncomfortable if you're going to be sitting in one spot for a while. Personally, I wear ballet flats because I can walk in them, they're comfortable and they slip off. But as I write this, sitting in a crowded airport, I see almost every person in sneakers...

2. I always roll up my clothes before I pack them because it makes them fit 100 times better, and I'm the type of person that likes to pack as much as possible, no matter how long the trip is. Just fold them over an extra time, and you're all set! My suitcase is incredibly full.

3. Bring a sleep mask. Unless you have a late flight and your plane is completely dark, stray light can make it harder for you to fall asleep, and I LOVE falling asleep on planes. Sleeping 30,000 feet in the air just makes you feel so well rested. Also, it can help you to get into your normal sleeping routine when you're wearing a mask (if you usually wear one when you sleep) which will make you fall asleep easier.

4. If you're flying United, then a huge (money and time saving) tip is to download the free United app. It can notify you of delays, gate changes, and the best part is that if you use the in-flight free wifi, then it offers hundreds of free movies and TV shows to watch during your flight in case you don't want to pay for personal wifi or pay to download your own movies and TV shows. This is a lifesaver if you have a long, boring flight!

5. Don't put too much in your carryon that you're gonna be stuffing under the seat in front of you on the plane, because lets just say I made a mistake of bringing a million books on the plane with me... although it wasn't really a mistake because I read every single one of them. But on the way back, if you're done with any of your books, then stuff a couple in your suitcase and you're good to go.

Funny story, when we got to the Atlanta Airport we were in a hurry to get out of there because of how crowded and huge it can be, so the rest of my family wasn't exactly happy when my huge luggage all got stuck in the revolving door, which stopped the whole thing and wouldn't start again. We had to squeeze through a tiny crack to finally escape... Never again!

xo Savannah

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