Why Being a Cat Would Be Awesome

Friday, September 26, 2014

If you are reading this, then you are most likely a human. If you are a cat, then congratulations! We are big fans.. Anyway, here are a few reasons why you humans would love being a cat. There are so many, and yet this is my very limited list. Continue reading...

1. Super furry & fuzzy

2. Very flexible 

3. Great hunting skills

4. Always get to sleep

5. Long, flexible tail

6. No boring politics

7. Adorable whiskers

8. Night vision

9. Four legs to walk on (Always land on your feet!)

10. Always get what you want

11. Bathe yourself

12. Grippy/rough tongue for licking people with

13. Eat & drink whenever you want

14. Your own cartoon (HELLO KITTY)

15. A deluxe bathroom (The litter box!!!)

16. Sharp claws for torturing your victims with

17. Cute ears for listening to kitty gossip with

18. Razor sharp teeth

19. Only one thing to worry about- THE VET!!

20. Egyptians worship you because you are awesome and the rest of the world loves you too :)

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