3 Reasons Why I'm Happy Today

Sunday, April 5, 2015

Happy Easter and welcome, Spring, everyone!! I'm so glad it's finally Easter, now it really feels like Spring outside- despite the constant rain (Thanks, OREGON!). We made a couple batches of cookies this morning and brought them to the potluck we went to. The egg hunt was not ruined from the rain, it only made it more challenging considering we were shivering- and I found a couple of eggs for the younger kids. Here's yet another positive addition to our day, 3 reasons why I'm happy. 

the dreamers of dreams - dahl1. There's a ton of cookies left over for me to eat (YUMM!). 

2. I just made my favorite kind of soda- Cherry Cola. 

3. I read Fat Mum Slim's travel diary for when she went to Tazmania- you can read it, too, right here

I can't wait to see you again tomorrow morning (Monday morning- ugh) for more reasons to be happy. Thanks for reading!

xx Savannah

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