Friday DIY Roundup #11

Friday, April 10, 2015

I've been so excited all week for this DIY roundup! YAY! Though, I have also been looking forward to the Friday favorites- there's a ton of ideas that I've brainstormed all written down on my special-blogging-notepad. So since I love DIYs and you love DIYs, here's a post all about DIYs to spice up your weekend because I know that you are just dying for something to do while you browse Pinterest for endless hours- wanting a DIY to fulfill your life. How deep was that?

1. Hanging Cutouts (as shown in photo, so cute!) by Her Campus 

2. DIY Galaxy in a Jar (because you need to be the queen/king of the universe) by Hello Maphie 

3. Mason Jar Prism Light by DIY Ready 

4. Yarn-Wrapped Ombre Monogrammed Letter by Catch My Party 

5. How to Make Chalkboard Paint (when will this NOT come in handy?) by The Idea Room

6. DIY No-Sew T-Shirt Bag by Mommy Potamus

7. Homemade Raspberry Lemon Lip Balm Recipe (this sounds amazing) by Dear Crissy

These awesome projects all look like a ton of fun, especially #6- which one(s) will you try this weekend?? ;) Leave a comment below telling me!

xx Savannah

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