6 Steps to Speed Clean Your Home

Friday, April 10, 2015

A lot of people like to deep clean their home in the Spring and call it Spring cleaning, and I do that, too. But if you don't have a whole lot of time, and just can't scrub every single surface ever, then here are some tips to speed clean. This shouldn't take too long, as long as you have less than an hour. This is for those people who don't live in a mansion and have 10 different maids on call at all times- this is for those people who overslept and is having guests over really soon. 
Step 1: Put things away. That bag of chips on the counter, the giant panda bear on the couch (there's a giant panda bear on my couch right now, I kid you not), that suit case that you took to Hawaii last week but never put back in the attic- put that stuff where it belongs so that things are out of the way. 

Step 2: There's got to be laundry randomly placed all around the house, and if there's not, look again. Grab a laundry basket and walk around, picking up dirty clothes and bringing them to the laundry room. Do 2 runs- one for clean, one for dirty. Tip- have kids fold their own clothes, just put the clothes on their bed, tell the to PLEASE fold their clothes, and then give them candy (when they're done). 

Step 3: Now pick up a paper bag or a plastic bag (or something) and go around and pick up all the garbage. This should be a quick process, just get all the garbage together. Then throw it all away. 

Step 4: Now, quickly check for dishes everywhere and bring all dishes into the kitchen and put them into the sink- there's no time to wash them all, just pick them all up and put it all in the sink.

Step 5: Grab the broom (or the vacuum, maybe both), get everything off of the floor, and sweep till you drop.  

Step 6: Finally, straighten up a bit- fold that blanket draped across the couch, straighten that rug over there, and please push the table a bit to the left- it's totally crooked. Also, put out a plant to liven things up a bit- it looks good. 

I hope this has helped you at least a little bit in speed cleaning your home, and if I have clearly forgotten a key point/step, leave a comment below telling me- I would hate to have such an error in a post. 

xx Savannah

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