Step 1: Put things away. That bag of chips on the counter, the giant panda bear on the couch (there's a giant panda bear on my couch right now, I kid you not), that suit case that you took to Hawaii last week but never put back in the attic- put that stuff where it belongs so that things are out of the way.
Step 3: Now pick up a paper bag or a plastic bag (or something) and go around and pick up all the garbage. This should be a quick process, just get all the garbage together. Then throw it all away.
Step 4: Now, quickly check for dishes everywhere and bring all dishes into the kitchen and put them into the sink- there's no time to wash them all, just pick them all up and put it all in the sink.
Step 5: Grab the broom (or the vacuum, maybe both), get everything off of the floor, and sweep till you drop.
Step 6: Finally, straighten up a bit- fold that blanket draped across the couch, straighten that rug over there, and please push the table a bit to the left- it's totally crooked. Also, put out a plant to liven things up a bit- it looks good.
I hope this has helped you at least a little bit in speed cleaning your home, and if I have clearly forgotten a key point/step, leave a comment below telling me- I would hate to have such an error in a post.
xx Savannah
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