Favicons are a great way to make your blog look a lot more professional- like, A LOT more professional, like you wouldn't believe. You might not know what a favicon is- a favicon is that little symbol that comes up next to the blog name in the tab. Mine is a panda- if you have a blog powered by Blogger, it's the Blogger symbol- don't worry, Blogger users, you can change this. It's insanely easy and completely free, and you can change it any time you want. I bet you thought they wouldn't let you change that- at least, I thought that. So here's a little tutorial for adding a favicon to your Blogger blog- so if you use Wordpress, this isn't for you; sorry.
*FIRST* You're gonna have to pick out a favicon- it's usually 16px by 16px in size and easy to find on Google images. Remember, it doesn't always have to be related to your blog- just choose something cute that you really like. Save it to your files.
Step 1: Go to your Blogger dashboard and click on "Layout" on that little list on the left, under "New Post".
Step 2: In the top left corner of the layout, there's a "Favicon" button, and next to it is the Blogger symbol. Click "Edit" in the corner of that favicon button.
Step 3: Now a little page has popped up and you need to click on "Browse" because that's gonna allow you to browse your files. Choose your favicon that you saved to your files a few minutes ago.
Now click SAVE, and you're done!! Yay! I'm so happy that you have one now. I really hope this was a thorough and easy to follow tutorial, because I've never done one before. Leave a comment below and tell me if you added a favicon to your blog!
xx Savannah
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