First, and I've been thinking about this for a while, use a big wooden crate for certain things. You probably don't have one on hand, nor the energy to make one of your own, so it's a good thing Michael's has a wide selection in all sizes. I didn't get a big one, though I'm saving that for my next trip, but I did snag a fairly small one for less than $2 and it's the cutest thing ever. I put my chalkboard markers in it, and it's the perfect size for so many things. I really want to go back for a larger one to hold random things from around my room- pillows, books, sketchpads, stuffed animals, etc. This option is just so simple, and if you buy a few, you can even make this DIY wood crate bookcase great for art supplies (or even shoes?) made by The Pleated Poppy. I love this idea, and it's SOO easy!

And finally, you guys have all heard of the cardboard and TP tubes organized thingamajig that you can stick on a lazy susan and anyone can make one and here's a really cool tutorial by SoCraftastic that you will LOVE. Try it out and tell me what you think!
I hope this will help you to tackle the mess that is art & craft supplies, but if it doesn't, then maybe you just have way to much. And that's okay because I understand and I am also a creative hoarder. I wan tot art so bad right now... and watch Youtube.... and cuddle all three cats around me right now. Thanks for reading!
xx Savannah
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