-First, I would recommend getting a notebook or notepad or even just a small journal for you to use for practicing your handwriting. If there's a journal already in use, it'll work just fine; you really do not need an entire notebook, in my opinion. It can be some printer paper in a folder, for all it matters, all you need is some paper and something to write with.

-You'll need to write these out, and there are so many ways to do that. Start out with writing the alphabet, capital and lowercase letters both. Once you get sick of that kindergarten work, move on to some sentences that happen to contain every letter of the alphabet. A personal favorite and classic of mine is "The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog", so you could try that, but I suppose you could Google a few others if you don't fancy mine.

-Most important of all, work with different tools. You really don't have to go all out an buy some fancy pens and artist pencils because whatever you have on hand will work just fine. Sharpies, ball point pens, inkjet pens, Copics, brush-tipped pens, markers, pencils, etc. This is one of the funnest parts of improving your handwriting, because it allows you to experiment, and experimentation is the art of success!
-*OPTIONAL* If you can, head on over to your local library, or go online, and try to find a book of fonts and such to inspire you. Amazon has a few, and they can seriously spark something that may change your whole path. I highly recommend this step, but it is completely optional and it's all up to you. Remember, none of these steps are fullproof, so refer to me as the complete guide! Look around, try different sites and posts.
So, I hope you have fin trying to improve your handwriting, tell me in the comments below if this worked for you (I'll be overjoyed if it does!!!). But just remember- smarter people generally write sloppier, so maybe you're just a genius. Thanks for reading!
xx Savannah
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