-Bandaids- lots, in all sizes.
-Clear nail polish, it has so many uses.

-A little good-luck charm; I have one in mine.
-CHAPSTICK! I hate it when my lips get dry and chapped. This one is important for the Winter time.
-Ibuprofen, in a tiny packet, perhaps for vacation?
-A small thing of deodorant.
-A teeny tiny bottle of hairspray!
-Breath spray or breath strips.
-Maybe an emergency inhaler, for those of you who are asthma-prone?
-A patch of polish remover.
-Stain remover.
-Shemergency tape, for your dress that keeps going off the shoulder.
-Neosporin! I need to put some in my emergency kit.
-A mini nail file.
-A mini sewing kit.
-Extra earring backs! I am ALWAYS losing mine.
-Dental floss; you never know.
-This one is totally optional- a Swiss Army Knife.
So, I hope you start an emergency kit of your own today! I really like having mine on me at all times, in my purse, it makes me feel a little more prepared, and I think you'll feel more prepared, too. Again, many things on this list are optional, depending on the size of your bag, but I doubt anyones is as small as mine. Thanks for reading!
xx Savannah
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