5 Valentines Day Gift Ideas for Him & Her

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

I know I just posted something exactly like this yesterday, but this one is actually going to be a little different. These are just a couple of ideas if you're stuck on what to do, and don't have the time for DIYs. All of these are perfect for him OR her, and none of them are fancy diamond rings or anything like that~

Free stock photo of sea, beach, holiday, vacation1. A candy gift basket. This one is awesome for that one person in your life that has a sweet tooth, and it's super simple, it only costs about $10-20 (depending on the candy you're getting and the size of the basket!). Just pick up a simple little basket from your local craft store, I assure you they're only, like, $2. Then pop on over to the grocery store and find every kind of candy that they like- Snickers, gummy bears, gummy worms, Red Hots, Dum Dums, etc. I would find some tissue paper or even pink/red Easter grass as a filling, and then you're done!

Free stock photo of heart, coffee, mug, cappuccino
2. Have you and your partner been wanting to adopt (an animal..... not a baby), but just haven't really gotten around to it because you're both so busy? Well, this would be the time to do it. Go to your local shelter, or maybe even vet, because I got my cat at our local veterinarian's office after she was abused and soon abandoned as a kitten. We didn't pay a penny for her, and now I can't live without her! But if you're surprising them, I would pick up some food, dishes and toys (kitty litter optional?). 

Free stock photo of love, heart, sun, warmth3. A subscription to their favorite magazine would be awesome, especially if you like that magazine, too. For father's day last year, my mom got my dad a subscription to a building magazine, so it doesn't just have to be VOGUE or something like that; it works for him AND her. This is kind of like getting them a gift every month!

4. Get them a personalized gift basket. This one goes beyond the standard candy one, because it can have anything in it- their favorite cookies, their favorite soda, a magazine, maybe some bath salts (for her), a gift card perhaps, earbuds, etc. This can be as simple or as extravagant as you want- from gift cards to iPads, they will appreciate this because only you know what their favorites are. 

Free stock photo of love, heart, yellow, photography5. Finally, just be sweet and wake up a little early, and go out and get them coffee. Run to the local Starbucks, grab their favorite drinks & scones, then drop by the store for a couple of little things that they would like- pick up groceries maybe. Then, when they wake up, they'll be delighted to see that their significant other will have thought of them and gotten them their favorite coffee. Just sit and eat breakfast together. 

These are just a few ideas, and feel free to expand off of them and make Valentines Day 2016 the best one yet.

xo Savannah

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