How to Take a Truly Serene Bath

Monday, March 28, 2016

A hot, calming bath at the end (or beginning) of a long day, week or even month is possibly the greatest feeling on the face of the planet (besides wearing warm pants fresh out of the dryer, obviously). And I know some people are just starting Spring Break, where they'll have the whole week to relax, and others have just finished it (like myself), but if you're just getting back into work then what better time for a nice bath!

-You need, of course, the essentials- and by that I mean Lush bath bombs. These are really quite pricey, and if you've bought one you know that- but you will also know that they are luxurious. They are soooooooo amazing. One of the most popular ones right now is "The Experimenter", and some people say it makes them feel like they're sitting in a Van Gogh painting. 

-Now, a sweet cuppa tea will do you some good- it's better than coffee because it's just so much more relaxing, and has half the caffeine. If it's nighttime, and chances are it is, then some chamomile with honey is absolutely perfect. But if you're a morning bath person, then black tea (my personal favorite is Prince of Wales by Twinings) will wake you right up with the soothing flavors I'm used to every morning. 

-Next, you're gonna want to get either an iPad, tablet, laptop or any other kind of big screen that isn't a TV (unless you have a TV in your bathroom, which in that case, I praise you) and set it up somewhere that it will NOT get wet or have any chances of falling in the water or getting splashed. I put mine on top of the toilet on the water tank thingamajig (seriously what is it even called) and it won't fall or anything. Now you can finally binge watch Fuller House!!!!!

-FACE MASK TIME! We're just pretty much going full out spa now. Again, you can get a really nice one from lush that will make you feel amazing, but other cosmetic companies sell them, too- I love the one that has an animal on it so that when you put it on you look like a puppy <3 b="">

So, at the end of the week, after lots of hard work (or probably just watching Netlfix on the couch for so long your butt is starting to hurt) you deserve a soothing, serene bath. Just don't forget the bubbles!! *bubble noise that fish from Finding Nemo makes*

xo Savannah

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