Friday DIY Roundup #72
Friday, July 29, 2016
It's Friday, Friday, Friday, gotta DIY on Friday! I've spent the last two hours or so on Pinterest alone, and I'm telling you, that site is addictive. I don't even know how I got so carried away, but it might have something to do with Harry Potter memes....
1. Floating Wood Shelves by Yellow Brick Home
2. DIY Fruit Kabob Stand by Sugar & Cloth
3. Ombre Chair Tutorial (as shown in photo) by Paper N Stitch
4. Dollar Store Backdrop by Oh Happy Day!
5. DIY Painted Rope Basket by Honestly WTF
6. Fabric Marbling by Sugar and Charm
7. DIY Local Adventure Ideas Map by Momtastic
Update: I just bought a frisbee. No more Harry Potter memes for the whole weekend, because it's FRISBEE TIME~
xo Savannah
5 Essential Websites for Bloggers
Thursday, July 28, 2016
Um, excuse me, who authorized this month to be allowed to just end? Honestly, I don't know where it all went, because now my YouTube feed is just filled with Back to School videos and so is the TV, not to mention all the ads for online schools (really? in the summer? =_=). But at the same time, with all of the free time I have, this blog is slowing downnnnn...... and I'm not going to tolerate that. These websites are free, and they help out so much when you have a blog.
Have trouble with organization? Yeah, so do I. Evernote, which is both a website and a fantastic app (available on the app store and as an Apple Watch app, not sure about Google Play), can assist you in making lists, checklists, dates on your calendar, appointments, organizing photos, etc. I use the app for organizing lists I don't want to lose, because they're always backed up and you don't have to worry about losing anything!
When you're an independent blogger that doesn't have a full studio and tons of employees, you really don't have all the time in the world to take your own blog photos. Worry not! Splitshire has tons of awesome photos for whatever your heart (or blog) desires. I love the skyscraper theme they have going on right now.
I cannot stress how much I love this website. It wouldn't work on my Mac for the longest time, and I was heartbroken- honestly- and I did everything I could. I downloaded Google Chrome, I spent some time on their troubleshooting site, I restarted my computer, I even emailed them about the problem. Then, one day, it miraculously started working again. Long story short, this photo editing site is perfect for literally every single thing you could imagine, and it's not just for bloggers.
4. Wonderlass Blog
Now I know what you're thinking, "it's just a blog!". But nooooo..... This has everything you could possibly want to learn about blogging! eCourses, eBooks, tutorials, stock photos, downloads galore! I could spend days on this blog just reading everything they have to offer. I swear, it's blog goals.
I used to hate Canva a lot, but they really have changed. Of course, Picmonaey will always be my first choice, but maybe I'll try using Canva a little more? It's pretty useful.
I hope you find these to be helpful, because I don't even know what I'd do without these! Leave some suggestions down below on what you think is a blogging essential.
xo Savannah
Instagram #2
harry potter
minnie mouse
Instagram #1
Top 10 Pinterest Recipes of the Week
Wow, I can't believe July is almost over... Then there's august, which is just full of Back to School shopping and cooler weather, and then summer is just over once and for all. I have a countdown going for when school starts, but I really don't look at it at all much, and no one needs to mention back to school until SEPTEMBER. At the earliest.
1. Whole Wheat Blueberry Crumb Muffins (as shown in photo) by How Sweet It Is
2. Raw Raspberry Ruffle Bars by Rawberry Fields
3. Slow Cooker Swedish Meatballs by Noshing with the Nolan's
4. Summer Nectarine Salad by Honestly YUM
5. Cucumber Tomato Avocado Salad by Natasha's Kitchen
6. Pumpkin Gingerbread Muffins by Oh She Glows
7. Insanely Good Twix Cookies Recipe by Fat Mum Slim
8. Citrus and Pomegranate Salad by Veganventures
9. Sweet Thai Chicken Wings by Taste and Tell
10. Speckled Egg Malted Milk Cake by Betty Crocker
Ah, my summer playlist is lit. It's true. Listen to it here on Spotify ;)
xo Savannah
9 Quick Breakfast Ideas for Summer
Tuesday, July 26, 2016
Summer is the time when breakfast has a whole new meaning- you're not rushing off to school, so an apple or some cereal/oatmeal is way too boring, but at the same time you don't really want to do any heavy-duty baking because it's 100 degrees outside for pete's sake. But even though you can make something that's a little more time-consuming, you don't have the effort....
1. Easy Breakfast Yogurt Popsicles by I Heart Nap Time
2. Avocado Toast with Egg (as shown in photo) by Simple Green Moms
3. Peach-Strawberry Smoothie by You Should Craft
4. Easy Breakfast Burritos by 100 Directions
5. Homemade Freezer Breakfast Sandwiches by Eat Cake for Dinner
6. Easy Oreo Crunch Parfait by Snackworks
7. Breakfast Parfaits to Go by The Chic Site
8. Quick and Easy Breakfast Quesadillas by The Little Dairy on the Prairie
9. Brownie Batter Overnight Oats by Fit Foodie Finds
Now I'm craving breakfast.... Breakfast for dessert anyone?
xo Savannah
8 Life Hacks That Actually Work
Monday, July 25, 2016
Pinterest is crawling with life hacks that so many people guarantee work, but honestly, some of them sound pretty silly. For example, I doubt putting vanilla extract in a can of paint before you paint your house will make your whole house smell like a bakery instead of paint fumes =_= Fortunately, some of them DO work.
1. Put a clean, dry towel in with your load of laundry in the dryer to make it dry in half the time. I do this all the time, and it really works pretty well if you're short on time and need something to wear!]
2. If you're eating a snowcone out of one of those little paper cones and need to put it down for whatever reason, just put it in a glass. It'll sit up straight, so it won't spill, and when it leaks out the bottom (they always do) then it's not going to get everywhere.
3. Stupid hair flyaways ruining your cute summer hairstyle? Grab a toothbrush (a clean one, preferably unused!) and spray it with hairspray. Just brush away the problems! I do this all the time, and it does wonders.
4. Out of granite polish, but not cocktails? Vodka actually makes a fantastic granite polish, I'm not kidding, but really only as a last resort.
5. If you're out picking blackberries, and this is the time of year when every single person in Oregon is, then cut the top half (keep the handle) off of a milk jug. It's reusable, lightweight, has a handle, and it's recycling!
6. I've noticed a weird glitch on Spotify where on the mobile app, you can't play songs on demand without a premium account (this one is for free users) but on my computer, I have been able to just click on a song and it plays instantly. See if it works on your computer, too! (note: it works on both my windows computer and my new mac)
7. If you're house is too hot and you need to cool off without going swimming, just run some ice-cold water on your wrists for 20-30 seconds. It seems to cool off my whole body for at least half an hour, and I don't even have to jump in the pool.
8. If you have a Sodastream, and are craving soda but ran out of syrup, Kool-Aid makes an amazing substitute. I've used orange Kool-Aid a few times, and you can find a recipe online, because I can't remember how much I used....
I use most of these on a daily basis, so they definitely work and I'd highly recommend trying them out. Don't forget to follow me on Instagram + Twitter @savannahbby_14 :)
xo Savannah
Friday DIY Roundup #71
Friday, July 22, 2016
Wow, it's been kind of a while since my last DIY roundup. I didn't mean to take so many breaks, but summer got in the way, and I don't want to be one of those blogs that slows down in the summer! So now it's time to write another post BEFORE I sit back and open up Harry Potter again...
1. DIY Watercolor Polka Dot Art by Lines Across
2. Nautical Paper Flags by Oh Happy Day!
3. Gold Fringe Paper Hats by Almost Makes Perfect
4. DIY Market Tote Bag by The Crafted Life
5. Paint Stick Mini Pallets (as shown in photo) by At Home In Love
6. Faux Wood and Marble Trinket Box by Dream Green DIY
7. DIY Geometric Colored Pin Boards by Enthralling Gumption
Now for a cuppa tea and Harry Potter and the Sorcerers' Stone :)
xo Savannah
Top 10 Pinterest Recipes of the Week
Wednesday, July 20, 2016
So, my community has officially created a Pokemon-Go related event and boy am I excited for it. It's basically a candlelit walkout around nine o'clock at night, right around when it starts getting kind of dark, where you walk around and catch Pokemon and go to all of the gyms and Pokestops around town. They also set up an incense at one of the Pokestops at the local park! What a time to be alive.
1. Two-Ingredient Vegan Cantaloupe Ice Cream by Elephantastic Vegan
2. Fudge Sundae in a Cookie Bowl (as shown in photo) by Noel Barn Hurst
3. Doritos-Crusted Chicken Bites by Masa Malaysia
4. Chocolate Almond Cake by Cocoon Cooks
5. Hot Chocolate Ice Cream Float by Young, Broke and Hungry
6. Yellow Cake Recipe by Recipegirl
7. Eggplant Pizza by Eat Good 4 Life
8. Homemade Italian Dressing by Diethood
9. Asparagus and Brown Rice Sushi Rolls with Sesame Ginger Sauce by Happy Hearted Kitchen
10. Bright Tomato Party Salad by Relish
Every time I see the word relish, AKA the name of the blog that came up with that bright tomato party salad, I think of the Relish Burger Bistro in Seattle thats in the Westin hotel every time we stay there. There was also one in Maui, and they're everywhere, so now I think of that burger bistro every time I see the word.
xo Savannah
10 Nerdy Recipes to Make Your Dreams Come True
Tuesday, July 19, 2016
Okay, but can that title get any cheesier? Seriously, I might as well change the title to "nachos" because oh god it's cheesy. I almost added magical in front of dreams, but that would be
1. Star Wars Storm Trooper White Chocolate Cocoa by Saving Dollars and Sense
2. The Hobbit Twice Baked Honey Cakes by Food in Literature
3. Butterbeer by Cooking Classy
4. Doctor Who Jammy Dodgers by Tikkido
5. Star Wars Kylo Ren Red Velvet Hot Cocoa by The Coupon Challenge
6. Avatar: The Last Airbender Vegetarian Dumplings (as shown in photo) by Fiction-Food
7. Neko Atsume Butter Cookies by Pretty Cake Machine
8. Mrs. Weasley's English Toffee by Food in Literature
9. Harry Potter Honeydukes Pink Coconut Ice by Food in Literature
10. Big Hero 6 Baymax Cupcakes by Dessert Now Dinner Later
I just took a quiz to see what my patronus is, and it's a rabbit! Figure out what your patronus is here.
xo Savannah
7 Cute DIY Summer Hairstyles
Monday, July 18, 2016
Summer is the season where everyone is sporting intricate braids, high ponies, effortless beach waves, etc. No one bothers with their hair in the winter- they just wear it down so that it covers their ears and keeps them that much warmer. But in the summer.....
1. Rose Pony Braid by The Beauty Department
2. Twisted Top Knot by I Spy DIY
3. Five Strand Braid + Bun by Yet Another Beauty Site
4. Braided Ballerina Bun by
5. French Braided Messy Bun by Missy Sue
6. Tuck and Cover French Braid by Missy Sue
7. Mohawk Braided Pony by Makeup Wearables
Or, if you're like me, you can just wear a french braid for two days straight and then take it out and tuck all of that messy, curly hair into the messiest of all messy buns. Don't forget to follow me on Instagram @savannahbby_14 :)
xo Savannah
hair hacks
hair styling
Top 10 Pinterest Recipes of the Week
Wednesday, July 13, 2016
I know there aren't a whole lot of natural morning people out there, but to those who are, you might understand how hard it is to be a morning person. Not because waking up early is hard.... It's just hard when you're the ONLY person that gets up early. That's my problem in the summer- every single person on the planet sleeps in late, then there's me, awake at 8am with no one to talk to. So here I am typing away, with no human interaction for the next four hours....
1. Balsamic Fig Vegetable Stir Fry by A Beautiful Mess
2. Triple Lemon Blueberry Layer Cake by Sweetapolita
3. Lavender Iced Nespresso Coffee (as shown in photo) by Honestly YUM
4. Vegan Mint Chip Nice Cream by Modern Proper
5. Pistachio Almond Mini Doughnuts by Spiced
6. Roast Chicken with Potatoes & Carrots by Jamie Oliver
7. Cardamom and Rose Iced Latte by Local Milk
8. Chicken Stroganoff by Lil' Luna
9. Crunchy Beet and Sprout Sushi by A Beautiful Mess
10. BBQ Chili Chicken Wings by Curious Nut
That lavender iced coffee looks amazing. It's the perfect summer drink with all of the caffeine and none of the unnecessary heat~
xo Savannah
8. Chicken Stroganoff by Lil' Luna
9. Crunchy Beet and Sprout Sushi by A Beautiful Mess
10. BBQ Chili Chicken Wings by Curious Nut
That lavender iced coffee looks amazing. It's the perfect summer drink with all of the caffeine and none of the unnecessary heat~
xo Savannah
10 Awesome Cupcake Recipes (Because Why Not?)
Tuesday, July 12, 2016
Summer is the time when no one wants to be cooking or baking besides BBQing, but summer is also full of birthdays and pool parties.... which is a wonderful exception when it comes to cupcakes! I love cupcakes, it's all of the yummy cakeness (it's a word) without any of the commitment to a whole cake. I've got tons of awesome cupcake recipes saved.... So we might need a whole other post to put the rest.
1. Reese's Peanut Butter Cupcakes by Passion for Savings

2. The Best EVER Oreo Cupcakes by The Melrose Family
3. Strawberry Lemonade Cupcakes by The Chunky Chef
4. Red Velvet Cheesecake Cupcakes by Crazy for Crust
5. Vanilla Cupcakes with Coffee Buttercream by The Kitchen Is My Playground
6. Harry Potter Butterbeer Cupcakes (as shown in photo) by Sugar and Soul
7. Salted Caramel Cupcakes by TidyMom
8. Lemon Blackberry Cupcakes by The Gracious Wife
9. Banana Cupcakes with Peanut Butter Cream Cheese Frosting by The Chunky Chef
10. Tiramisu Cupcakes by Life Love and Sugar
Aaaaaaaand now I'm craving Harry Potter. I got the full set of Harry Potter books for my birthday last Friday and now I seriously need to put a hold on The Shining just to please my magical cravings!
xo Savannah
5 Spa Night DIYs for This Summer
Monday, July 11, 2016
Ah, spa nights. They're your own little way of relaxing when a new season of your favorite show comes out on Netflix, and when you've been dying to use that new bath bomb. Of course, since this is the 21st century and Pinterest exists, there are many ways to DIY your way to the perfect spa night~
1. Make Your Own Bath Salts by DIY Ready
2. Infused Spa Water (as shown in photo) by What's Gaby Cooking
3. How to Throw a Spa Party At Home by Pretty Mayhem
4. DIY Pink Champagne Bath Truffles by The Country Chick Blog
5. Baby Rose Sugar Scrub by Smart School House
Now it's time to curl up with a Netflix marathon and your favorite nail colors- go crazy! (but not too crazy, you're supposed to relax)
xo Savannah

2. Infused Spa Water (as shown in photo) by What's Gaby Cooking
3. How to Throw a Spa Party At Home by Pretty Mayhem
4. DIY Pink Champagne Bath Truffles by The Country Chick Blog
5. Baby Rose Sugar Scrub by Smart School House
Now it's time to curl up with a Netflix marathon and your favorite nail colors- go crazy! (but not too crazy, you're supposed to relax)
xo Savannah
6 DIY Party Decorations for the Perfect Ice Cream Party
Wednesday, July 6, 2016
In case you didn't know, my birthday is this Friday (that would be the day after tomorrow)... And I'm PUMPED! Obviously, half of that is because today is hump day (happy Hump Day), and the other half is because I LOVE birthdays. I don't understand people who just brush away their birthday like it's nothing, because every year I count down the days, and every year it's the happiest day ever- although there's a really weird pattern where it's always cloudy and cold on my birthday, and usually even raining, despite the fact that it's July. What are you trying to say, Mother Nature?
1. Upside Down Ice Cream Party Hat by Dream Green DIY
2. Mini Ice Cream Cone Balloon Sticks (as shown in photo) by Oh Happy Day!
3. Free Printable Ice Cream Cone Garland by Hello Wonderful
4. Creating an Ice Cream Sundae Bar by About A Mom
5. Ice Cream Cone Surprise Ball DIY by Oh Happy Day!
6. Candy-Covered Ice Cream Sundae Bar by Hello Little Home
That candy-covered ice cream sundae bar is TO DIE FOR! Like, I'd kill someone for that. Someone get me a sundae bar ASAP.....
xo Savannah

2. Mini Ice Cream Cone Balloon Sticks (as shown in photo) by Oh Happy Day!
3. Free Printable Ice Cream Cone Garland by Hello Wonderful
4. Creating an Ice Cream Sundae Bar by About A Mom
5. Ice Cream Cone Surprise Ball DIY by Oh Happy Day!
6. Candy-Covered Ice Cream Sundae Bar by Hello Little Home
That candy-covered ice cream sundae bar is TO DIE FOR! Like, I'd kill someone for that. Someone get me a sundae bar ASAP.....
xo Savannah
5 Great Summer Reads
Tuesday, July 5, 2016
I love summer because it's the only time of year that I spend 90% of my day outside, and since I'm such a bookworm, that means tons of reading. I read by the pool, on the back deck, I read when I watch the sun rise, I read when I watch the sun set- just pretty much tons of reading all day long. Here are the books I plan on reading this summer, or have already read and plan on reading again~
1. The Shining by Stephen King

I am currently reading The Shining by Stephen King, and it's quickly growing to be one of my favorite books. I got a set of a couple of Stephen King books for Christmas, and since The Shining is a classic (and I loved the movie) I thought I'd start reading it first.
2. Harry Potter (any of them) by J.K. Rowling
It's never too late to start up an old classic again! If you've never read Harry Potter, and generally think that Potterheads are nerds and that the wondrousness of this fictional wizarding world is being exaggerated, then boy are you wrong....
3. Little Bee by Chris Cleave
I started reading this when I went to Maui last year because I was sick and therefor didn't spend as much time by the beach as I'd wanted, and it quickly sucked me right in. I love the plot- a Nigerian refugee and a British magazine editor who meet again after many years, and end up telling a beautiful story together.
4. Teatime for the Firefly by Shona Patel
This grew to become one of my all-time favorite books a couple of years ago when I was in Kauai (all good books are discovered in Hawaii haha) and I haven't been able to stop rereading it since! It's about an Indian girl who meets the love of her life, gets married, and then travels to a completely new world altogether when he gets a job on a tea plantation. You have no idea how many airports I've sat in, totally mesmerized by this book....
5. Down the Mysterly River by Bill Willingham
I got this book for Christmas a couple of years ago, and am ever so thankful that I did, because every time I read it I am transported into a world exactly like my own, and yet completely different. This tells the story of a boy scout named Max, who finds himself lost in the woods and meets a couple of new friends (spoiler- they're animals). The setting reminds me of Oregon, because you never know what you'll find in the woods here....
Now I'm off to read another book, and maybe blog about it NEXT summer....?
xo Savannah
1. The Shining by Stephen King

I am currently reading The Shining by Stephen King, and it's quickly growing to be one of my favorite books. I got a set of a couple of Stephen King books for Christmas, and since The Shining is a classic (and I loved the movie) I thought I'd start reading it first.
2. Harry Potter (any of them) by J.K. Rowling
It's never too late to start up an old classic again! If you've never read Harry Potter, and generally think that Potterheads are nerds and that the wondrousness of this fictional wizarding world is being exaggerated, then boy are you wrong....
3. Little Bee by Chris Cleave
I started reading this when I went to Maui last year because I was sick and therefor didn't spend as much time by the beach as I'd wanted, and it quickly sucked me right in. I love the plot- a Nigerian refugee and a British magazine editor who meet again after many years, and end up telling a beautiful story together.
4. Teatime for the Firefly by Shona Patel
This grew to become one of my all-time favorite books a couple of years ago when I was in Kauai (all good books are discovered in Hawaii haha) and I haven't been able to stop rereading it since! It's about an Indian girl who meets the love of her life, gets married, and then travels to a completely new world altogether when he gets a job on a tea plantation. You have no idea how many airports I've sat in, totally mesmerized by this book....
5. Down the Mysterly River by Bill Willingham
I got this book for Christmas a couple of years ago, and am ever so thankful that I did, because every time I read it I am transported into a world exactly like my own, and yet completely different. This tells the story of a boy scout named Max, who finds himself lost in the woods and meets a couple of new friends (spoiler- they're animals). The setting reminds me of Oregon, because you never know what you'll find in the woods here....
Now I'm off to read another book, and maybe blog about it NEXT summer....?
xo Savannah
10 Yummy Independence Day Treats
Monday, July 4, 2016
HAPPY FOURTH OF JULY! This is possibly one of my all-time favorite holidays, because of the swimming and the BBQing and the warm weather and fireworks! I can't wait to jump right into this post, because I have tons of cute and patriotic treats to share~
1. Fourth of July Muddy Buddy Snack Mix by BabySavers
2. Red, White & Blue Strawberry Cheesecake Bites by The Kitchen Is My Playground
3. Patriotic Rice Krispy Treats by Blooming Homestead
4. Fireworks Sugar Cookie Cake by Crazy for Crust
5. Patriotic Caramel Pretzel Bites by Two Sisters Crafting
6. Fruity Brownie Dessert Pizza (as shown in photo) by Seeded At The Table
7. Angel Food Cake with Coconut Whipped Cream and Berries by Blahnik Baker
8. Strawberry Shortcake Kababs by Sugar Apron
9. Red, White & Blue Cake Batter Dip by Sugar and Soul
10. Fourth of July Oreo Pops by Happiness is Homemade
Oh my gosh, do you even red, white & blue?
xo Savannah

2. Red, White & Blue Strawberry Cheesecake Bites by The Kitchen Is My Playground
3. Patriotic Rice Krispy Treats by Blooming Homestead
4. Fireworks Sugar Cookie Cake by Crazy for Crust
5. Patriotic Caramel Pretzel Bites by Two Sisters Crafting
6. Fruity Brownie Dessert Pizza (as shown in photo) by Seeded At The Table
7. Angel Food Cake with Coconut Whipped Cream and Berries by Blahnik Baker
8. Strawberry Shortcake Kababs by Sugar Apron
9. Red, White & Blue Cake Batter Dip by Sugar and Soul
10. Fourth of July Oreo Pops by Happiness is Homemade
Oh my gosh, do you even red, white & blue?
xo Savannah
fourth of july
independence day
Pins I'm Loving #3
Saturday, July 2, 2016
Friday DIY Roundup #71
Friday, July 1, 2016
Happy Friday! It's such a beautiful day, and yet it's still such a struggle to get out of bed in the morning- and this is coming from a professional morning person. My birthday is officially one week away, and I'm super pumped. There's nothing like a summer birthday- fudgesicles, swimming, stargazing, late summer nights, and then all summer to play with the presents you got.
1. Sling Pool Chair Makeover (as shown in photo) by Studio DIY
2. DIY Marble Hexagon Coasters by Homey Oh My
3. Make Your Own Fringe Lanterns by Copyepaste
4. Painted Donut Collar by Studio DIY
5. DIY 'Stained Glass' Unicorn by Oh Happy Day!
6. Hanging Leather Planters DIY by Brit + Co
7. Copper and Concrete Coat Rack by Heju
I love those little sling pool chair makeovers, they're so cute and would look perfect by the pool!
xo Savannah

2. DIY Marble Hexagon Coasters by Homey Oh My
3. Make Your Own Fringe Lanterns by Copyepaste
4. Painted Donut Collar by Studio DIY
5. DIY 'Stained Glass' Unicorn by Oh Happy Day!
6. Hanging Leather Planters DIY by Brit + Co
7. Copper and Concrete Coat Rack by Heju
I love those little sling pool chair makeovers, they're so cute and would look perfect by the pool!
xo Savannah
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