Workspace of the Week: January 31
Sunday, January 31, 2016

Friday DIY Roundup #50
Friday, January 29, 2016
Oh, the weekend is so close I can almost feel it! I love it when weeks fly by like this, because I feel like the weekend just ended and it's Monday, but before I knew it we're right back to Friday again. The very first month of the year is coming to a close, and I feel like it was quick and short, but also long enough to be filled with the joy of a thousand good days.
1. Shibori Tie-Dye Cloth Napkin Tutorial by A Beautiful Mess
2. DIY Friendship Bracelets (as shown in photo) by Studio DIY
3. Make Your Own Tiny Tassels by The Sweet Lulu Blog
4. Cardboard Cacti by The House That Lars Built
5. DIY Pegboard Wall Organizer by Fossil Blog
6. Large Scale Instant Film Display by A Beautiful Mess
7. DIY Bendable Balloon Tails by Studio DIY
I love friendship bracelets, ESPECIALLY in the summertime, which was why I included some in this post. They are so fun to make and even more fun to wear, so my sister and I spend hours making them for each other and wearing them from June through August, soaking them in the pool and drying them in the garden. Now I miss summer...........
xo Savannah

2. DIY Friendship Bracelets (as shown in photo) by Studio DIY
3. Make Your Own Tiny Tassels by The Sweet Lulu Blog
4. Cardboard Cacti by The House That Lars Built
5. DIY Pegboard Wall Organizer by Fossil Blog
6. Large Scale Instant Film Display by A Beautiful Mess
7. DIY Bendable Balloon Tails by Studio DIY
I love friendship bracelets, ESPECIALLY in the summertime, which was why I included some in this post. They are so fun to make and even more fun to wear, so my sister and I spend hours making them for each other and wearing them from June through August, soaking them in the pool and drying them in the garden. Now I miss summer...........
xo Savannah
Top 10 Pinterest Recipes of the Week
Thursday, January 28, 2016
I love these posts- and I'm hoping to do a lot more of them this year, because it's fun to just write a post that you love to read, and even though it's fun to have variety on a blog, it's also fun to just have routine. I want recipes & food to be a big part of this blog, especially considering I've been writing a lot about blogging & DIYs. I want to incorporate lifestyle posts into here too, because I love reading them so much so why not write the blog you would want to read? Aaaand there's my random rant of the day...
1. Sweet Heat Grilled Cheese Sandwiches (as shown in photo) by A Beautiful Mess
2. No-Bake Berry Cheesecake by Jelanie Shop
3. Spinach and Artichoke Dip Stuffed Garlic Bread by Host the Toast
4. Pumpkin Chai Latter Recipe by The Glitter Guide
5. Peach Pie Scones with a Vanilla Glaze by A Latte Food
6. Raspberry Scones by Food-and-Cook
7. Rosemary Shortbread by Mod Big Recipes
8. Nutella Stuffed Sugar Cookies by Whole Yum
9. Chewy Chai Snickerdoodles by How Sweet It Is
10. Homemade Churros with Chocolate Sauce by Just a Taste
Oh, these are making me so hungry! Especially those Nutella stuffed sugar cookies- love at first sight much? I even snapchatted them... That's how good they looked.
xo Savannah
2. No-Bake Berry Cheesecake by Jelanie Shop
3. Spinach and Artichoke Dip Stuffed Garlic Bread by Host the Toast
4. Pumpkin Chai Latter Recipe by The Glitter Guide
5. Peach Pie Scones with a Vanilla Glaze by A Latte Food
6. Raspberry Scones by Food-and-Cook
7. Rosemary Shortbread by Mod Big Recipes
8. Nutella Stuffed Sugar Cookies by Whole Yum
9. Chewy Chai Snickerdoodles by How Sweet It Is
10. Homemade Churros with Chocolate Sauce by Just a Taste
Oh, these are making me so hungry! Especially those Nutella stuffed sugar cookies- love at first sight much? I even snapchatted them... That's how good they looked.
xo Savannah
How to Be Productive on Lazy Days
Wednesday, January 27, 2016
Lazy days- usually on Sundays- are the highlight of most people's weeks. I bet you've read the title, and are saying "But they are supposed to be lazy.", and I agree with that 100%. You're right. Everyone needs a break. But if you are a person who would like to be getting work done on an otherwise lazy day, like, it's becoming lazy without your control, then this list is for you. Think of it as a checklist~
-Limit the distractions around you. I like to listen to music, because it makes me less likely to daydream and look around and realize I need to clean something instead of finishing an overdue blog post- I have Spotify on my computer & phone & tablet for easy access, in case one of them isn't working properly. Also, sometimes I move my phone out of sight, because if I get bored with something then I'm likely to stop working and pick it up.
-Don't work overtime + take a couple of breaks here and there. It's been proven that lowering your work hours from 10 to 5 and working 5 days a week instead of 6 can really increase productivity. You can't argue with science, kids. Also, take frequent breaks; it's good to refresh your brain every once in a while, so take a 20 minute walk, then come back to something. It's like hitting refresh on a malfunctioning page- it's gonna work better if you refresh it, trust me.
-Don't try to multitask! Writing 3 blog posts at once plus editing stock photos is going to make you work slowly, not even quicker- not to mention you're gonna make three times the mistakes than if you would just do one thing at a time. Make a list of what needs to get done, and then do things in order, without skipping over and multitasking.
-Change up your workplace. Try moving over to sit by a window and get some natural light, or even head on over to your local coffee shop for a complete change of scenery. It's good to change things up because it can really boost your creativity, plus I bet the cat has been driving you crazy, stepping all over your keyboard and all. Remember that time you had the rewrite the longest blog post ever because your cat stepped all over the keyboard? No? Just me?
-Take a nap! You could probably use the rest anyway- getting lots of sleep will make you more prepared and at least your brain will be functioning properly. Napping has been proven to make you feel sharper when you wake up.
-Get something to eat for Pete's sake, who can actually think straight and get anything done on an empty stomach. Have a good breakfast, and maybe snack on a granola bar while you work. Maybe even get up earlier so that you can make scrambled eggs and bacon? Everyone deserves bacon if they're gonna be working all day. Well, actually, everyone deserves bacon anyway.
-Drink some water. It's gonna hydrate your brain, and you can actually think properly then, instead of sitting at a computer for 10 minutes trying to decide how to spell "restaurant" but being too lazy to Google it. Infused water would be amazing, just throw in some mint and strawberries and sip it all day long.
I hope these help you out, because they help me whenever I have a full day of editing and blogging to do but how can anyone get any of that done when there are distractions everywhere?
xo Savannah

-Don't work overtime + take a couple of breaks here and there. It's been proven that lowering your work hours from 10 to 5 and working 5 days a week instead of 6 can really increase productivity. You can't argue with science, kids. Also, take frequent breaks; it's good to refresh your brain every once in a while, so take a 20 minute walk, then come back to something. It's like hitting refresh on a malfunctioning page- it's gonna work better if you refresh it, trust me.

-Change up your workplace. Try moving over to sit by a window and get some natural light, or even head on over to your local coffee shop for a complete change of scenery. It's good to change things up because it can really boost your creativity, plus I bet the cat has been driving you crazy, stepping all over your keyboard and all. Remember that time you had the rewrite the longest blog post ever because your cat stepped all over the keyboard? No? Just me?

-Get something to eat for Pete's sake, who can actually think straight and get anything done on an empty stomach. Have a good breakfast, and maybe snack on a granola bar while you work. Maybe even get up earlier so that you can make scrambled eggs and bacon? Everyone deserves bacon if they're gonna be working all day. Well, actually, everyone deserves bacon anyway.

I hope these help you out, because they help me whenever I have a full day of editing and blogging to do but how can anyone get any of that done when there are distractions everywhere?
xo Savannah
How to Get the Most Out of Your Morning
Tuesday, January 26, 2016
Ah, mornings, my favorite time of the day. It's just nice to be awake early in the wee hours, ESPECIALLY in the summer time because it's warmer and the sun rises so early, plus it doesn't get interrupted by school so I can just sit in the dewy silence until it gets too hot to bear. I like mornings so much better than nights, they have more light involved and caffeine. Nights don't have enough caffeine- and not enough light. And too loud. See why I like mornings so much? Here's how to get the most out of YOUR morning.
-Write a list of things to do the night before. It helps keep things organized when you wake up- and don't just write the big things, like "Write blog post" and "do morning work" and "walk dogs". Do the little things, like "Make coffee" and then "Finish editing blog post", "Post blog post on social media", "Write email to Jacob", "Walk dogs to big pond with coffee". The little things make it seem like you're accomplishing a lot more.
-Get up a little bit earlier- depending on how early you get up right now. For example, I get up at 7:30am every day, but imagine how much more I could get done if I got up at 6:30am. Don't be too drastic here, seriously. Sleep is the most important thing you can get when it comes to being healthy. But going to bed a little bit earlier every night and getting an extra half hour out of your morning can make all the difference...
-Turn all the lights on when you get up. If it's dark out when you wake up, like me, then turning on all the lights in the house can make your home seem awake and it'll make you waking up easier, too.

-Have some breakfast. Even if you're one of those people who doesn't feel like eating in the morning, just sip your tea and read a book- take some time for yourself before getting to work, and appreciate the temporary silence of the world. Even better, have a glass of water- you just went hours upon hours of not drinking anything, so hydrating your body is one of the best things you can do in the morning. Add a lemon slice, make it snazzy.
-Take a walk. You don't always have the time in your day to take a walk, so mornings are great for this, especially because it's all cool out and every thing is so quiet and mysterious. Put your coffee in a to-go cup and hit the trail, even better, bring the dogs- they'll appreciate it even more than you will (I know my dogs do).
-Do some yoga; relaxation will add an amazing start to your day. Bonus: you can Netflix binge while you downward dog, if soothing music isn't your thing. I know I would rather watch The Walking Dead than listen to some weird music that's gonna make me fall asleep probably.
That's all you have to do to have an amazing morning. Add a couple of these to your routine, and you could be making every single day even better than the last.
xo Savannah

-Turn all the lights on when you get up. If it's dark out when you wake up, like me, then turning on all the lights in the house can make your home seem awake and it'll make you waking up easier, too.

-Have some breakfast. Even if you're one of those people who doesn't feel like eating in the morning, just sip your tea and read a book- take some time for yourself before getting to work, and appreciate the temporary silence of the world. Even better, have a glass of water- you just went hours upon hours of not drinking anything, so hydrating your body is one of the best things you can do in the morning. Add a lemon slice, make it snazzy.
-Take a walk. You don't always have the time in your day to take a walk, so mornings are great for this, especially because it's all cool out and every thing is so quiet and mysterious. Put your coffee in a to-go cup and hit the trail, even better, bring the dogs- they'll appreciate it even more than you will (I know my dogs do).

That's all you have to do to have an amazing morning. Add a couple of these to your routine, and you could be making every single day even better than the last.
xo Savannah
Declutter Your Life Part 1: Phone & Email
Monday, January 25, 2016
Even if you're the cleanest, most organized person, your phone and email can be the most cluttered things in your whole life. Inboxes get unorganized so easily, because every day you have new emails coming in at you without even giving you a chance to stop them. And your phone (especially if you have kids) can get cluttered quickly because there are so many apps and music and videos it can all form a big ball and run down your memory, just like in Raiders of the Lost Ark with that big boulder chasing Indiana Jones.
-First, you're gonna want to unsubscribe from as much as you can- that's where Unroll.Me comes in handy. Unroll.Me is the most helpful app ever, because it helps you unsubscribe, roll up, and keep all of the emails you've been meaning to tackle for months. Here's how it works- you just sign into your email, and then swipe away all of the emails you want to unsubscribe from, and roll up the ones you want to read, and keep the ones you want to stay subscribed to. You need to be ruthless- remember, if you miss it, you can always subscribe again.
-Try to reply to emails ASAP. If not, then the sender will become frustrated/impatient and maybe even forget all about it if you leave it in your inbox for a week. As soon as you see an email for work/etc. then reply to it, if you can't, then leave yourself an important note on your phone/stick a sticky note to your computer or something. Leaving it there will cause it to become buried and you'll forget about it.
-Finally, go in once a week and delete as much as you can. Whether you have 5 minutes or 25 minutes, delete everything that isn't important from all of your folders. My social one is just all YouTube, telling me every single day when a YouTuber uploads something. But try to build a routines of this, going in and cleaning things out and making sure it's organized.
*Just one little tip that will make checking your email sooooo much better- if you use Gmail, then click on the little settings drop bar in the top right corner, and select "Themes". There are so many beautiful photos to put behind your inbox- personally, I chose Lake Tahoe, because nature can be really soothing when you're overflowing with emails.

-First things first, delete all of those apps you used like crazy for the first hour and haven't touched since you downloaded them. I had quite a few- and most I wasn't worried about, because I could save my progress and if I missed it I could get it again. No, apps don't take up a terrible amount of space at all, but clearing out a few will get you some memory back and plus you'll have room for more.
-Now you're gonna tackle those photos. No, I don't really think you need six pictures of a hamburger, you can't taste something through a photo- and twenty five selfies that mostly look the same? Keep the good ones, delete the bad. What you should really be worried about it your videos- the can take up over 70 MB of space, AKA a lot. Either upload them to your computer or delete them, because honestly I don't think you need them. Finally, upload most of them to your computer, except for the ones you want to keep on your phone for whatever reason.
-You know what also takes up a lot of space besides videos? Music. I only have 7 songs on my phone (the rest is on the cloud, I can download them any time) so I don't have to worry about this as much, I'm talking about you over there who has 8,000 songs- do you listen to them all? Just take off a few every day, and if you really love music, then either buy an iPod just for music or download Spotify, which takes up so much less space and it's cheaper to pay for Premium than it is for 8,000 songs on iTunes.
*Plus, get a wallpaper & lock screen that you actually like- it will make going on your phone so much better, and plus you'll smile every time you look at it.
I really hope these helped you today, and I can't wait to do more of these in the future- it's kind of fun to help people declutter. And if you liked this, then you will LOVE Marie Kondo's book, The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up. It's available on Amazon for about $7.00, and I can't wait to check it out.... as soon as I order it which I haven't done yet.
xo Savannah

*Just one little tip that will make checking your email sooooo much better- if you use Gmail, then click on the little settings drop bar in the top right corner, and select "Themes". There are so many beautiful photos to put behind your inbox- personally, I chose Lake Tahoe, because nature can be really soothing when you're overflowing with emails.


*Plus, get a wallpaper & lock screen that you actually like- it will make going on your phone so much better, and plus you'll smile every time you look at it.
I really hope these helped you today, and I can't wait to do more of these in the future- it's kind of fun to help people declutter. And if you liked this, then you will LOVE Marie Kondo's book, The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up. It's available on Amazon for about $7.00, and I can't wait to check it out.... as soon as I order it which I haven't done yet.
xo Savannah
Workspace of the Week: January 24
Sunday, January 24, 2016

Friday DIY Roundup #49
Friday, January 22, 2016
Happy Friday (finally)!!! It got here quicker this week, as I mentioned it one of my other posts, because I didn't have classes on Monday so my 4 day week just got a lot better. I actually don't even have any classes today, it's a special day where we have 3 hours to catch up on work before the end of the quarter (that's 3 hours of doing nothing at all, in my case- I hate it) and then we have lunch, and then an assembly before going home for the day. And that's my Friday schedule that you didn't ask for but I wrote about it anyway....

1. Make Your Own Felt Garland by Pam Garrison
2. Epoxy Jewelry Box DIY (as shown in photo) by A Beautiful Mess
3. Paper Apple Blossom Branches by Lia Griffith
4. DIY Tassel Wall Hanging by Honestly WTF
5. DIY Doormat with a Message by Lonny
6. Green Tea and Lemon Bath Bombs by A Beautiful Mess
7. Gold Leaf Paper Mache Bowls by Kelli Murray
All of these crafts are so cute, and you know that no DIY roundup would be complete without something from ABM- and this post has two awesome crafts from them. I'm excited to start my weekend, though I know it will be shorter than ever and will go by like a flash.
xo Savannah
1. Make Your Own Felt Garland by Pam Garrison
2. Epoxy Jewelry Box DIY (as shown in photo) by A Beautiful Mess
3. Paper Apple Blossom Branches by Lia Griffith
4. DIY Tassel Wall Hanging by Honestly WTF
5. DIY Doormat with a Message by Lonny
6. Green Tea and Lemon Bath Bombs by A Beautiful Mess
7. Gold Leaf Paper Mache Bowls by Kelli Murray
All of these crafts are so cute, and you know that no DIY roundup would be complete without something from ABM- and this post has two awesome crafts from them. I'm excited to start my weekend, though I know it will be shorter than ever and will go by like a flash.
xo Savannah
10 Inspirational Blogs That I Love
Thursday, January 21, 2016
As a blogger and an avid reader, you can probably imagine how much I read other people's blogs- basically, whenever I can. When I finish a blog post, I head straight for my favorite blogs to see what they've been posting lately. These are all inspirational to me personally in some way, whether they be inspiring me to get outside and take a walk or to stay inside and write that blog post once and for all. Also, completely unrelated- have you noticed that Friday is quickly approaching? I think the lack of school on Monday is making my week surprisingly better- like an extra Friday, almost.
1. A Girl, Obsessed
This blog is amazing, I've been reading it for almost a year now and it's great. I'm not one for beauty blogs, really, but she posts more than beauty- she posts tips on blogging & lifestyle, too. Her latest post is How to Battle a Bad Skin Day.
2. The Dainty Squid
Okay, this has got to be one of my favorite blogs of all time- and by far my favorite on this list. I love her Friday Favorites posts, and I used to LOVE LOVE LOVE her 365 challenge results, but she's not doing it this year *cry cry cry*. Kayla writes a lot about her explorations of abandoned places, and her latest post is Exploring Akron.
3. chibird
I discovered chibird one day because I'd been seeing her adorable little drawings all over the interwebs, so I checked her out on Tumblr, and every couple of days or so she posts little affirmations of life- I assure you she will make you more positive ever day. Her latest post is It takes some pain and struggles to really grow.
4. Thirteen Thoughts
This is one of the blogs I started reading more recently, back in November or so (maybe December??? I can't remember honestly) but I think she's honestly a really great writer and I'll be reading her for a long time. Also, this blog kind of reminds me of AGO a little bit? Paula also writes about beauty and lifestyle, and her latest post is How to Stay Sane When Sh*t Hits the Fan.
5. Wonderlass

This blog I just started reading last week, I discovered it on Pinterest and was instantly hooked. Her vast library of resources and blogging tips is addicting, and her internal links will leave you clicking on one post after another. Did I mention her personality leaks through the page and straight into your heart like a cold glass of lemonade? The humor and likability is refreshing, to tell the truth.
6. It's Not Her, It's Me
I've been reading this blog for a while now- probably a year now, and I have to say that I love it and keep on coming back for more every now and then! Toshiko is a fashion blogger living in the bay area of San Francisco, and occasionally blogs about her travels, too. Her latest post is Farmhouse Inn Part 1: Home Away from Home.
7. Fat Mum Slim
Aside from TDS, this is my favorite blog on here- maybe even more than TDS. I've been reading this blog for years, and Chantelle has never failed to make me fall in love with her blog over and over. She also hosts a Facebook group called FMS Photo a Day, where every day there's a prompt and you post a picture going along with it. Her latest post is Healthy Sweet Potato & Tuna Croquettes Recipe.
8. A Beautiful Mess

ABM is one of the most popular and amazing crafts & DIY blogs out there, and you probably already know about them so I won't say much. Basically, they have more than one app (both photo editing), tons of eCourses, two mail subscription services and are in the process of writing a cookbook- did I mention they are the scrapbook queens? Their latest post is Try This: Potato Stamped Curtain Panel Tutorial.
9. Wonder Forest
The Wonder Forest is a blog I've been reading for ages. After discovering them on Pinterest (like all of the other blogs I discover basically), the thing about the blog that really got me hooked was her title on the blog. It was painted with watercolors, and I loved that she'd done that herself. She also has various watercolor video tutorials on YouTube, and a bunch of blogging tips on her blog. Her latest post is How to Manage Your Expectations and Avoid Dissapointment.
10. Elle & Company Design
Okay, this is one of those blogs that has literally everything when it comes to blogging tips. I've found tips on designing a logo, blog post ideas, online courses and every single thing you need to know about managing your own business. They're extremely professional, and pretty much the GODS of blogging- I love it. They're latest post is 40 Easy, Engaging Video Content Ideas for Your Creative Business.
All of these blogs are beautiful and inspiring, and are written by the best of people- you won't be disappointed when you click these links. Also, don't forget to follow them on Bloglovin'! Stock photos used in this post are courtesy of Pexels.
xo Savannah

This blog is amazing, I've been reading it for almost a year now and it's great. I'm not one for beauty blogs, really, but she posts more than beauty- she posts tips on blogging & lifestyle, too. Her latest post is How to Battle a Bad Skin Day.
2. The Dainty Squid

3. chibird

4. Thirteen Thoughts
This is one of the blogs I started reading more recently, back in November or so (maybe December??? I can't remember honestly) but I think she's honestly a really great writer and I'll be reading her for a long time. Also, this blog kind of reminds me of AGO a little bit? Paula also writes about beauty and lifestyle, and her latest post is How to Stay Sane When Sh*t Hits the Fan.
5. Wonderlass

This blog I just started reading last week, I discovered it on Pinterest and was instantly hooked. Her vast library of resources and blogging tips is addicting, and her internal links will leave you clicking on one post after another. Did I mention her personality leaks through the page and straight into your heart like a cold glass of lemonade? The humor and likability is refreshing, to tell the truth.
6. It's Not Her, It's Me
I've been reading this blog for a while now- probably a year now, and I have to say that I love it and keep on coming back for more every now and then! Toshiko is a fashion blogger living in the bay area of San Francisco, and occasionally blogs about her travels, too. Her latest post is Farmhouse Inn Part 1: Home Away from Home.
7. Fat Mum Slim

8. A Beautiful Mess

ABM is one of the most popular and amazing crafts & DIY blogs out there, and you probably already know about them so I won't say much. Basically, they have more than one app (both photo editing), tons of eCourses, two mail subscription services and are in the process of writing a cookbook- did I mention they are the scrapbook queens? Their latest post is Try This: Potato Stamped Curtain Panel Tutorial.
9. Wonder Forest

10. Elle & Company Design

All of these blogs are beautiful and inspiring, and are written by the best of people- you won't be disappointed when you click these links. Also, don't forget to follow them on Bloglovin'! Stock photos used in this post are courtesy of Pexels.
xo Savannah
blog posts
blogging tips
10 DIY IKEA Hacks
Wednesday, January 20, 2016
Yes, another one of these... Some (most) people think regular old furniture makeovers are totally boring- and they can be sometimes. But IKEA furniture is beautiful and sleek and modern and amazing, so when you give it a makeover to look even better, you can't help but drool over it, wishing you had it in your home. Plus, the before and afters are great alone. No, sorry, I don't have the slidy-things that Buzzfeed has (but I wish I did).
1. Leather Handle Ikea Rast Hack by Vintage Revivals

2. DIY Stamping on Your IKEA Chair by IKEA Hackers
3. Floating Lack Shelf Transformation by Remodelaholic
4. Brightened Up Bekvam Step Stool (as shown in photo) by This Little Street
5. Stack Up a Corner of Lack Side Tables by Ikea Hackers
6. Much Cuter Regolit Lamp Shade by Bonjour Quilts
7. KNUFF Magazine File Transformable Coffee Table by Ikea Hackers
8. Lovely SKURAR Plant Pot as Lacy Lampshade by Ikea Hackers
9. Spray Painted Ekby Shelf Brackets by Design Sponge
10. DIY Rainbow IKEA Bench by Likes Of Us
Also, before I end this post, shout out to my best friend- IT'S HER BIRTHDAY TODAY! Happy 14th, Narshmallow!
xo Savannah
1. Leather Handle Ikea Rast Hack by Vintage Revivals

2. DIY Stamping on Your IKEA Chair by IKEA Hackers
3. Floating Lack Shelf Transformation by Remodelaholic
4. Brightened Up Bekvam Step Stool (as shown in photo) by This Little Street
5. Stack Up a Corner of Lack Side Tables by Ikea Hackers
6. Much Cuter Regolit Lamp Shade by Bonjour Quilts
7. KNUFF Magazine File Transformable Coffee Table by Ikea Hackers
8. Lovely SKURAR Plant Pot as Lacy Lampshade by Ikea Hackers
9. Spray Painted Ekby Shelf Brackets by Design Sponge
10. DIY Rainbow IKEA Bench by Likes Of Us
Also, before I end this post, shout out to my best friend- IT'S HER BIRTHDAY TODAY! Happy 14th, Narshmallow!
xo Savannah
6 DIY Stuffed Toys
Tuesday, January 19, 2016
It's Tuesday, Martin Luther King Jr. Day is over, so it's back to work & school. My cat is meowing at me because I stared at her for a couple of seconds, and that makes her think I'm open for demands- whether she wants food, water, or a drink of my tea when I'm not looking. Can't cats understand that typing on the computer is not begging for them to hop up onto the counter and walk on our keyboards?
1. DIY Stuffed Animal Balloon Dog (as shown in photo) by Little Inspiration
2. Free Stuffed Fox Pattern by Stitched by Crystal
3. Mama + Baby Hedgehogs by Purlbee
4. Pattern for DIY Crocheted Koala by Planet June
5. Adorable Giant Loch Less Monster by We Lived Happily Ever After
6. Party Turtles Pattern by Red Roof Patterns
The Loch Ness Monster is by far my favorite, I've always loved the idea of a misunderstood sea creature whose only choice is to hide under the murky waters, all alone in the cold, while being tempted by the hot, crispy smell of fish + chips.
xo Savannah

2. Free Stuffed Fox Pattern by Stitched by Crystal
3. Mama + Baby Hedgehogs by Purlbee
4. Pattern for DIY Crocheted Koala by Planet June
5. Adorable Giant Loch Less Monster by We Lived Happily Ever After
6. Party Turtles Pattern by Red Roof Patterns
The Loch Ness Monster is by far my favorite, I've always loved the idea of a misunderstood sea creature whose only choice is to hide under the murky waters, all alone in the cold, while being tempted by the hot, crispy smell of fish + chips.
xo Savannah
Top 10 Pinterest Recipes of the Week
Monday, January 18, 2016
I haven't done one of these in a while and I kind of miss them- it's nice to find new ideas & recipes on Pinterest and share them with other people, plus I think this is the first Top 10 Pinterest Recipes of the Week of 2016, so that's pretty exciting! Oh, I almost forgot- HAPPY MARTIN LUTHER KING JR. DAY! You probably just now realized that's why the Google logo is Martin Luther King Jr. speaking into, like, five microphones. Clever, Google.
1. Almond Poppy Seed Pancakes with Cherry Syrup (as shown in photo) by Modern Proper
2. Pineapple Doughnuts by Like-The-Cheese
3. Frozen Lemon Custard with Summer Berry Crumble, Dairy-Free by Baked-The Blog
4. Cosmic Brownie Pop Tarts by Studio DIY
5. Raspberry Swiss Roll by Sweet Paul
6. Popcorn Macaroons + Salted Caramel Filling by Eat Show and Tell
7. Homemade Croissants by Top with Cinnamon
8. Hazelnut Ice Cream by Indulgy
9. Coconut Milk Hot Chocolate by She Wears Many Hats
10. Coffee Hazelnut Ice Cream by Top with Cinnamon
These are amazing- and yes, I know I put two hazelnut ice creams, but one is with coffee and besides they both sounded amazing. My dad likes to put Hazelnut Torani syrup in his cappuccino, along with caramel & vanilla; it'll really spice up your morning cuppa jo.
xo Savannah

2. Pineapple Doughnuts by Like-The-Cheese
3. Frozen Lemon Custard with Summer Berry Crumble, Dairy-Free by Baked-The Blog
4. Cosmic Brownie Pop Tarts by Studio DIY
5. Raspberry Swiss Roll by Sweet Paul
6. Popcorn Macaroons + Salted Caramel Filling by Eat Show and Tell
7. Homemade Croissants by Top with Cinnamon
8. Hazelnut Ice Cream by Indulgy
9. Coconut Milk Hot Chocolate by She Wears Many Hats
10. Coffee Hazelnut Ice Cream by Top with Cinnamon
These are amazing- and yes, I know I put two hazelnut ice creams, but one is with coffee and besides they both sounded amazing. My dad likes to put Hazelnut Torani syrup in his cappuccino, along with caramel & vanilla; it'll really spice up your morning cuppa jo.
xo Savannah
Workspace of the Week: January 17
Sunday, January 17, 2016

Friday DIY Roundup #48
Friday, January 15, 2016
Happy Friday, and happy 2 weeks into the new year- finally, only 50 weeks left until you can party once again, and about 49 weeks until Christmas. That means you only have to do this 49 more times and you can drink Christmas tea and get a bunch of presents once again. But first, I'm pumped for the summertime to get here already- not that I don't love this cold weather, but reading outside and wearing shorts and jumping into the pool? I'm missing it.
1. DIY Text Bubble Shelf by Mommo Design
2. Hand Sewn Felt Alphabet (as shown in photo) by Purlbee
3. Perler Fruit Key Rings by My Poppet
4. Marble Moon Phase Wall Hanging by Almost Makes Perfect
5. DIY Pinwheel Placemats by The Crafted Life
6. Wooden Birthday Banner by Tell Love and Party
7. DIY Homemade Sugar Lip Scrub w/ Honey by Hello Natural
That lip scrub looks & sounds amazing, perfect for the winter months when my lips get especially dry and chapped. Also, those felt letters are adorable and I know they're meant for toddlers but I would hang them around my room any day.
xo Savannah

2. Hand Sewn Felt Alphabet (as shown in photo) by Purlbee
3. Perler Fruit Key Rings by My Poppet
4. Marble Moon Phase Wall Hanging by Almost Makes Perfect
5. DIY Pinwheel Placemats by The Crafted Life
6. Wooden Birthday Banner by Tell Love and Party
7. DIY Homemade Sugar Lip Scrub w/ Honey by Hello Natural
That lip scrub looks & sounds amazing, perfect for the winter months when my lips get especially dry and chapped. Also, those felt letters are adorable and I know they're meant for toddlers but I would hang them around my room any day.
xo Savannah
My 10 Favorite iPhone Apps Right Now
Thursday, January 14, 2016
In July, I wrote a post about my ten favorite apps right after I got my new phone- but, much like my YouTube Favorites, it's a lot different now than it was then. I SO wish I could do more than ten but I want to mimic my last post, which you can read here. So I guess you could say this is kind of a Throwback Thursday post, which I should totally do more often because I love these. All of these are free on the appstore, except for maybe Colorburn because I got that one when it was Free App of the Week.
1. Village Life
Yeah, it's one of those.... I don't usually download these (I'm totally lying I always do) but I saw a friend playing this one and I thought it looked super fun, and I fell in love with this game. It's a lot of fun to give the villagers what they want and gain their happiness, and then having your villagers have babies, and simply just watching them age day by day.
2. King of Thieves
Yes, I know, thieves are extremely frowned upon- especially where I live. But this game is so addicting, and I'd highly recommend it to everyone, mostly kids 10-11+ because it can be complicated and stuff and it's not great for kids of younger ages who can't understand it. Basically, you have to be the best thief in the world by stealing from other players and basically collecting the most gems. I'm literally playing this right now...
3. Neko Atsume

If you speak Japanese, then you know what this game might be about. If not, then I don't expect you to, because I didn't either at first- except for the cat part which I already knew. It's pretty much a game where you have to collect all of the cats by setting out food and toys for them to play with, and then they come and you add them to your cat book.
4. Word Bubbles
Okay, yes, I only just got this yesterday... But I'm playing it as I type and it's more addicting than chocolate covered Twinkies. It's a word puzzle, so it definitely works your brain, but it feels like just a little game it has a super pretty design that I like, because there are some knockoffs that aren't as good looking.
5. Goat, Giraffe, Platypus, Zebra & Octopus Evolution
I have nearly all of the evolution games, and Zebra & Octopus are my latest ones. Even though these are meant for younger ages (I'm a 3 year old at heart) I love these and they can get quite addicting, not to mention it's constantly changing- once you get past earth, you get to go to Mars and evolve your creatures there. 10/10, would highly recommend.
6. Colorburn
So I got this one when it was free app of the week, and so far I love it and use it pretty often. It's a photo app with over 1000 filters, and all you have to do is swipe your screen to mix and match in seconds (oops I sound like an infomercial sorry). I've used it a lot, and it's definitely worth it if you're gonna pay money for it, even though I didn't pay for it.
7. Shooty Skies

This one is way more fun than Crossy Road, and is made by the same exact people. You know how on Crossy Road you just tap the screen, occasionally swipe, and nothing else so it's super boring? Well in Shooty Skies you're flying around, and not tapping, but shooting bad guys and collecting power ups. Much more fun...
8. Candy Crush Jelly Saga
Almost the same as the first two, Candy Crush Jelly Saga is the latest candy saga out there and also probably the best. You get to play against a computer in some levels, battling to win, and in others you have to find a marshmallow that moves to a different spot with every move you make. It can get pretty addicting, which is why I'm sad when I run out of lives...
9. Paper 53
This is my favorite drawing app of all time, the minimalism design is amazing, but also offers a wide variety of features, including sharing your drawing with other friends with the same app, drawing on other friends pictures and saving them as your own, and using lots of tools to create whatever you please. These are the same people that made the 53 Pencil- yes, the $99 stylus.
10. Buzzfeed
Finally, last but not least, Buzzfeed. Buzzfeed is really nice to use whenever I'm just bored and need a good laugh, or perhaps just need to catch up on the news- I read it online and on mobile, constantly binge reading one post after the other. Thanks for being there when Netflix wasn't, Buzzfeed.
Those are all of my favorite mobile apps on 2016, and I'm not sure if all of these are available on Android except for Paper 53; that one is definitely not available, which is disappointing because I was looking forward to using it on my Samsung tablet- but oh well.
xo Savannah
1. Village Life
Yeah, it's one of those.... I don't usually download these (I'm totally lying I always do) but I saw a friend playing this one and I thought it looked super fun, and I fell in love with this game. It's a lot of fun to give the villagers what they want and gain their happiness, and then having your villagers have babies, and simply just watching them age day by day.
2. King of Thieves
Yes, I know, thieves are extremely frowned upon- especially where I live. But this game is so addicting, and I'd highly recommend it to everyone, mostly kids 10-11+ because it can be complicated and stuff and it's not great for kids of younger ages who can't understand it. Basically, you have to be the best thief in the world by stealing from other players and basically collecting the most gems. I'm literally playing this right now...
3. Neko Atsume

If you speak Japanese, then you know what this game might be about. If not, then I don't expect you to, because I didn't either at first- except for the cat part which I already knew. It's pretty much a game where you have to collect all of the cats by setting out food and toys for them to play with, and then they come and you add them to your cat book.
4. Word Bubbles
Okay, yes, I only just got this yesterday... But I'm playing it as I type and it's more addicting than chocolate covered Twinkies. It's a word puzzle, so it definitely works your brain, but it feels like just a little game it has a super pretty design that I like, because there are some knockoffs that aren't as good looking.
5. Goat, Giraffe, Platypus, Zebra & Octopus Evolution

6. Colorburn
So I got this one when it was free app of the week, and so far I love it and use it pretty often. It's a photo app with over 1000 filters, and all you have to do is swipe your screen to mix and match in seconds (oops I sound like an infomercial sorry). I've used it a lot, and it's definitely worth it if you're gonna pay money for it, even though I didn't pay for it.
7. Shooty Skies

This one is way more fun than Crossy Road, and is made by the same exact people. You know how on Crossy Road you just tap the screen, occasionally swipe, and nothing else so it's super boring? Well in Shooty Skies you're flying around, and not tapping, but shooting bad guys and collecting power ups. Much more fun...
8. Candy Crush Jelly Saga
Almost the same as the first two, Candy Crush Jelly Saga is the latest candy saga out there and also probably the best. You get to play against a computer in some levels, battling to win, and in others you have to find a marshmallow that moves to a different spot with every move you make. It can get pretty addicting, which is why I'm sad when I run out of lives...
9. Paper 53

10. Buzzfeed
Finally, last but not least, Buzzfeed. Buzzfeed is really nice to use whenever I'm just bored and need a good laugh, or perhaps just need to catch up on the news- I read it online and on mobile, constantly binge reading one post after the other. Thanks for being there when Netflix wasn't, Buzzfeed.
Those are all of my favorite mobile apps on 2016, and I'm not sure if all of these are available on Android except for Paper 53; that one is definitely not available, which is disappointing because I was looking forward to using it on my Samsung tablet- but oh well.
xo Savannah
7 Great YouTubers I've Been Watching Lately
Wednesday, January 13, 2016
YouTube is my latest addiction (besides EOS). There are sooo many to watch, so I never really get bored with it because when I finish binge-watching ever single video on one channel, there's always that of another channel. Back in August I did a post on who I'm subscribed to, and also the other little things that I watch, but obviously it's a little different now- I still watch those people, yeah, but PEOPLE NEED CHANGE! That said, here's who I spend 5 hours/per day watching (whom I didn't mention in my last post)
I LOVE this girl. She's hilarious, and I spend a lot of time watching and re-watching her videos because she's awesome and deserves an award or something.
-Julian Solomita's Vlogs
Julian is awesome, he uploads vlogs pretty often, and I could just watch him all day long. (If you don't know who he is, he's Jenna Marbles' boyfriend) He motivates me to get stuff done considering he's working out in almost every vlog. But let's get to the main reason I watch him- the DOGGIES!!!!!
-Alisha Marie
Alisha is friends with Eva from MyLifeAsEva (whom I started watching first, that's how I found Alisha) and her videos are to die for. Like, she's the editing goddess. And she talks all about that on her vlogging channel below...
-Alisha Marie Vlogs (vlogbby11)
In her weekly-ish vlogs, Alisha shows us that she's a normal person without makeup, she's addicted to Starbucks (like, seriously) and she has a cute little doggy that understands Alisha's second obsession- Boom Chicka Pop.
Do you ever find yourself wondering if all those crazy DIYs on Pinterest actually work? Rob tests them here on his channel. He also just started a new series where he tests out Life Hacks, which you'll also see splattered across Pinterest.
-Baylee Jae & Bumble Baylee
I thought I would just add her vlog channel onto her main channel, because they're both great- she's an amazing artist, and I would kill to have that Copic collection. She vlogs daily, so I could pretty much watch her endlessly.
-Baylee's Toy Unboxings
Yesh, same person as above.... Except on this channel, she unboxes toys. I love her monthly subscription box videos, especially Kawaii Box and Pusheen Box- I wish she would try out Sketch Box though???
Those are just the new people I've been watching in addition to the ones I mentioned in my last post, like GMM and Rosanna Pansino. Who are your favorites? Tell me in the comments.
xo Savannah

-Julian Solomita's Vlogs
Julian is awesome, he uploads vlogs pretty often, and I could just watch him all day long. (If you don't know who he is, he's Jenna Marbles' boyfriend) He motivates me to get stuff done considering he's working out in almost every vlog. But let's get to the main reason I watch him- the DOGGIES!!!!!
-Alisha Marie
Alisha is friends with Eva from MyLifeAsEva (whom I started watching first, that's how I found Alisha) and her videos are to die for. Like, she's the editing goddess. And she talks all about that on her vlogging channel below...
-Alisha Marie Vlogs (vlogbby11)
In her weekly-ish vlogs, Alisha shows us that she's a normal person without makeup, she's addicted to Starbucks (like, seriously) and she has a cute little doggy that understands Alisha's second obsession- Boom Chicka Pop.
-Baylee Jae & Bumble Baylee
I thought I would just add her vlog channel onto her main channel, because they're both great- she's an amazing artist, and I would kill to have that Copic collection. She vlogs daily, so I could pretty much watch her endlessly.
-Baylee's Toy Unboxings
Yesh, same person as above.... Except on this channel, she unboxes toys. I love her monthly subscription box videos, especially Kawaii Box and Pusheen Box- I wish she would try out Sketch Box though???
Those are just the new people I've been watching in addition to the ones I mentioned in my last post, like GMM and Rosanna Pansino. Who are your favorites? Tell me in the comments.
xo Savannah
10 Awesome Harry Potter Themed Treats
Tuesday, January 12, 2016
Harry Potter is a classic- I finished reading it last year, and I loved it, definitely something I would reread. That said, I think A LOT of kids (and adults, obviously) would want a Harry Potter-themed party because it's a magical story for all ages, so I thought I would share a couple of treats a true sorcerer would love. Accio deliciousness!
1. Homemade Bertie Botts Every Flavor Beans by Not Quite Nigella
2. Pumpkin Pasties by Chew Out Loud
3. Cauldron Cakes (as shown in first photo) by Pastry Affair
4. Treacle Tart (as shown in photo) by Saveur

5. Sherbet Lemon by Southern Fattie
6. Butterbeer (!!!) by Buzzfeed Life
7. Florean Fortescue Butterbeer Ice Cream by Food In Literature
8. Pink Coconut Ice by Tiramipursuit
9. Cockroach Clusters by The Apron Archives
10. Mrs. Weasley's Homemade English Toffee by Food in Literature
Ooohhh, I remember every single one of these from the books! I got so excited about the Butterbeer because I've always wanted to try it, it always sounded so amazing in the books. Who's your favorite character (mine's Hermione, right next to Luna!)? Tell me in the comments below!
xo Savannah

2. Pumpkin Pasties by Chew Out Loud
3. Cauldron Cakes (as shown in first photo) by Pastry Affair
4. Treacle Tart (as shown in photo) by Saveur

5. Sherbet Lemon by Southern Fattie
6. Butterbeer (!!!) by Buzzfeed Life
7. Florean Fortescue Butterbeer Ice Cream by Food In Literature
8. Pink Coconut Ice by Tiramipursuit
9. Cockroach Clusters by The Apron Archives
10. Mrs. Weasley's Homemade English Toffee by Food in Literature
Ooohhh, I remember every single one of these from the books! I got so excited about the Butterbeer because I've always wanted to try it, it always sounded so amazing in the books. Who's your favorite character (mine's Hermione, right next to Luna!)? Tell me in the comments below!
xo Savannah
How to Never Run Out Of Blog Post Ideas
Monday, January 11, 2016
It's 11:00pm on a Tuesday night, and you have no idea what to write about, because you have a post due the following morning but didn't schedule one. You're brain dead and have no idea what to write about- I can't fix the situation for you right this second, but I can show you how to prevent future catastrophes like this (and yes this is a catastrophe, you'd agree if you were ever in this situation!). It's pretty easy, and I got a hang of it really quickly, and it gets fun. It's INSANE how easy it is, and I'm talking straight jackets in an asylum INSANE.
-First, you're gonna want to choose how you want to schedule everything. I find Google Calendar works perfectly fine, it's accessible from my computer, tablet and phone which allows me to take it wherever I go. But if you're more of a paper-and-pen kind of gal, then go out and get yourself a Erin Condren planner- treat yo self! (Erin Condren planners are the best, so, yeah) Write it out in there. If you already have a planner, then I would recommend buying a separate one just for your blog, so you can keep track of posts, deadlines, projects, emails, orders, etc.
-Now find some time, about half an hour to an hour of time, and sit yourself down to have a brainstorming session. Determine what kind of posts you want to write: blogging tips, fitness, recipes, DIYs, lifestyle, business, etc. and start thinking of titles. I found an AWESOME cheat sheet here on blog post titles, and I love it, it's super convenient for when you're not feeling creative enough to think of any. Plus, there are dozens of blog post title generators, but they're not nearly as good as what's on the cheat sheet.
-Once you've thought of a couple, make a ton more, perhaps expanding on one (for example, make a part 1, part 2, etc.) to make even more posts if you have a lot to say on one subject. If you're a blogger that write about a lot of different things, then try to have variety. Don't do an entire week of blogging tips, then not write about it for a month. Be consistent!
-Finally, fill in the calendar. Put a post for every day you write- so if you write once a week, then you could have a good 6 months of posts to write. But if you write daily, then it might only be one month. (Just remember- no matter how often you write, quality comes first) Personally I have posts scheduled all the way up to April. Try to brainstorm every week/month, whichever works for you.
Always write for your readers, not SEO. Quality before quantity. Be consistent. Those are a few out of many tips that you'll learn when blogging. No body knows what they're doing, we're all learning as we go. So don't worry if something doesn't work out because that isn't gonna end your blogging career, just keep on moving forward.
xo Savannah

-Now find some time, about half an hour to an hour of time, and sit yourself down to have a brainstorming session. Determine what kind of posts you want to write: blogging tips, fitness, recipes, DIYs, lifestyle, business, etc. and start thinking of titles. I found an AWESOME cheat sheet here on blog post titles, and I love it, it's super convenient for when you're not feeling creative enough to think of any. Plus, there are dozens of blog post title generators, but they're not nearly as good as what's on the cheat sheet.
-Once you've thought of a couple, make a ton more, perhaps expanding on one (for example, make a part 1, part 2, etc.) to make even more posts if you have a lot to say on one subject. If you're a blogger that write about a lot of different things, then try to have variety. Don't do an entire week of blogging tips, then not write about it for a month. Be consistent!

Always write for your readers, not SEO. Quality before quantity. Be consistent. Those are a few out of many tips that you'll learn when blogging. No body knows what they're doing, we're all learning as we go. So don't worry if something doesn't work out because that isn't gonna end your blogging career, just keep on moving forward.
xo Savannah
blog posts
blog topics
blogging tips
Workspace of the Week: January 10
Sunday, January 10, 2016

Friday DIY Roundup #47
Friday, January 8, 2016
Happy Friday, readers, and happy first week of 2016 accomplished! Now there's only 51 more weeks to go- that wasn't so hard, was it? We're on our 47th DIY Roundup, so only 3 more weeks until the big 50th. I'm already so addicted to the new Candy Crush Jelly Saga app, I only just downloaded it this morning and it's so amazing, they've done a great job with it.
1. Reversible Fabric Storage Bins by A Beautiful Mess
2. DIY Marbled Espresso Cups and Saucers by Nouvelle Daily
3. Make Your Own Gilded Agate Coasters by Thou Swell
4. DIY Photo Wall Hanging (as shown in photo) by Homey Oh My!
5. Yummy Funfetti Scented Candles by Beth Cakes
6. Hand Painted Tea Cups by A Pair and a Spare DIY
7. DIY Boot Tray by Magnolia Homes
That boot tray would look amazing in our house, so that we wouldn't have to put our soaking wet, muddy boots on the hall tree next to all of the warm fuzzy clean shoes. WANT!
xo Savannah

2. DIY Marbled Espresso Cups and Saucers by Nouvelle Daily
3. Make Your Own Gilded Agate Coasters by Thou Swell
4. DIY Photo Wall Hanging (as shown in photo) by Homey Oh My!
5. Yummy Funfetti Scented Candles by Beth Cakes
6. Hand Painted Tea Cups by A Pair and a Spare DIY
7. DIY Boot Tray by Magnolia Homes
That boot tray would look amazing in our house, so that we wouldn't have to put our soaking wet, muddy boots on the hall tree next to all of the warm fuzzy clean shoes. WANT!
xo Savannah
12 DIYs Because You're Probably Bored
Thursday, January 7, 2016
The new year is upon us, we're a good week into it but it's getting to a point where everyone is back to work/school and there's nothing left to do- you're a bit bored. Christmas is over, the NYE party was a week ago so you're over it, and let's face it your New Years Eve resolutions are hopeless (in my case, as least; I'm not gonna work out hahahaha). So what else to fill your week with (besides endless homework) than DIYs? I know there's a DIY roundup coming up tomorrow morning but I couldn't resist writing this post.
1. DIY Ombre Planters (as shown in photo) by Design Love Fest
2. Woven Pom Pom Rug Using a Cardboard Loom by Curbly
3. Make Your Own Color Block Pillows by BHG
4. DIY Abstract Moon Phases Coasters by Paper n Stitch
5. Cute and Easy Planter DIY by Best Friends for Frosting
6. Concrete Candle Holder by Black Bird Gem
7. Geometric Clay Pot Tutorial by Delia Creates
8. DIY Modern Pegboard by DIY Ready
9. Beaded Extension Cord by Remodelista
10. Confetti + Glitter Dipped Balloons by Studio DIY
11. Make Your Own Photo Gift Tags by Giottes
12. Clothes Rack Plant Stand by DIY or Die
Okay, let me say that I honestly really want to try out that woven rug DIY because it looks really easy and I'd love to go out and buy some chunky yarn and then make a freakin rug. PLus those awesome moon phases coasters, am I right?
xx Savannah

2. Woven Pom Pom Rug Using a Cardboard Loom by Curbly
3. Make Your Own Color Block Pillows by BHG
4. DIY Abstract Moon Phases Coasters by Paper n Stitch
5. Cute and Easy Planter DIY by Best Friends for Frosting
6. Concrete Candle Holder by Black Bird Gem
7. Geometric Clay Pot Tutorial by Delia Creates
8. DIY Modern Pegboard by DIY Ready
9. Beaded Extension Cord by Remodelista
10. Confetti + Glitter Dipped Balloons by Studio DIY
11. Make Your Own Photo Gift Tags by Giottes
12. Clothes Rack Plant Stand by DIY or Die
Okay, let me say that I honestly really want to try out that woven rug DIY because it looks really easy and I'd love to go out and buy some chunky yarn and then make a freakin rug. PLus those awesome moon phases coasters, am I right?
xx Savannah
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