The Legend of Mick Dodge

Saturday, October 18, 2014

In case you don't already watch The Legend of Mick Dodge, it's a pretty amazing show. It's about this crazy man who lives in the Hoh rainforest on the Olympic Peninsula and he is AWESOME. His name is Mick Dodge, and he used to live civilized, but moved into the woods after awhile. But he's not completely alone- Micks' got his friends, Karl, Moss Hopper, and the camera crew, and his dog, Gabu. But let me get this straight- he is NOT a survivalist, and though is also known as the Barefoot Sensei, he does wear shoes, and doesn't live solely in the woods; he sleeps up at a friend's shack sometimes in the winter. In a recent episode where he has lost his clothes, Mick covers some hot coals with dirt and sleeps on them like a heated mattress. Season 2 is on on Tuesdays on the National Geographic channel and you can see this guy for real, living in the Hoh Rainforest, the Wild man of Awesomeness c:

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