Why Journaling Beats Peanut Butter on Pancakes

Thursday, April 30, 2015

Journaling is the best thing to be doing on a rainy day, or even outside on a sunny day. It is one of my favorite hobbies to be doing- I love the notebooks, the various pens, the beauty of a blank page; does anyone else understand me here? No? Okay then, that's why I'm writing this post on why journaling is just so great and why you should do it every single day of your life. 

It doesn't even matter how you journal; what I do is, I keep track of creative writing prompts in a notebook and write about them as often as I can. There are lots of different journals that I use, like a mini composition notebook for travel, or a regular composition notebook, or even just one of those cute little journals with a quote on them that you get at the art store. The point is, there are thousands of ways to journal, and you can choose whichever way you want- do more than one, if you please. 

FREE STOCK PHOTOGRAGPHYWriting and keeping a journal isn't some new thing- it has been around for hundreds of years, simply trying to survive humanity, but since everyone is keeping a digital journal now- excluding me- it's going out of style. Yes, recording and keeping a journal is ancient, but that doesn't mean that it's extinct or even going extinct. We should be trying to keep this wonderful art alive, not killing it off with technology. Don't you just love the feel of a new pen on a blank page, or the feel of the paper, or even the sound of turning a page?

Journaling has so many benefits, mostly depending on the type of journal you choose the write. For example, by choosing to write in a bullet journal, you can reduce the number of sticky note reminders stuck on your fridge and also the number of alarms and reminders that you have typed into your phone. It's like a to-do list journal, but cuter and more sophisticated than that. Adding something to your journal every day can help develop your writing skills and make you a lot more creative, whether you're writing about your day or a short story or even just a couple of to-do lists. Think about it this way- ever time you write, another bond is formed in your brain.
Simply finding the time to get out a book every day and write in it for as long as possible is so rewarding in itself- don't you find it relaxing and sort of soothing? Also, in the future, you can look back at it and remember that one day- the day it wouldn't stop raining, and how you laughed so hard but you don't even remember the joke, and how the dog was afraid of the lightning so he fell asleep next to you- and you wrote it all down just because that day didn't deserve to be forgotten. That's why you should keep a journal. 

If this has changed you perspective on journaling, then that's fantastic because that's just what I was aiming to do- keeping a journal is life-changing, and frankly, it really does beat peanut butter on pancakes (in my opinion, not to bash on your beliefs). Thanks for reading!

xx Savannah

7 Coolest Motherhood Blogs

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

There are a lot of mama-bloggers out there who have decided to pursue a career is blogging about being a mom. This is an awesome topic because whether you have 1 kid or 5, everyone has a different style of parenting, and by sharing these styles on a blog, everyone can compare and contrast. There are sooo many mommy bloggers out there blogging on this topic- and I know of a few. Here are all of my favorite motherhood blogs.
Heart Leaf (iPhone Photo) 
1. Fat Mum Slim

2. A Beautiful Exchange blog

3. Dinner with Julie

4. Late Night Plays 

5. The Kids Are Alright 

6. Brittany, Herself

7. Raising Colorado

That's all I have for now, but I guarantee you, these are the best blogs about being a mom that I have ever read- and I read A LOT of blogs. I hope you love reading these as much as I do. Thanks for reading my blog!

xx Savannah

My Favorite Books That You Should Read

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

I'm a total book worm. Reading is one of my passions, along with blogging, and I choose to pursue those passions every single day. I am currently reading Coffeehouse Angel by Suzanne Selfors. It's a great book, and though I don't really like the cover (it has a weird, dreamy looking dude on it, as though it's a romance novel), it has such an intriguing plot that I choose to continue. Here's a list of all of my favorite books, and some of them are a series. 

1. Harry Potter
The Social Type knows how to make matchboxes sassy and cute- Love it! | www.mooreaseal.com 
2. The Hunger Games Trilogy

3. The GONE Series

4. Counting by 7's 
5. Little House in the Big Woods

6. Little House on the Prairie

7. The Immortals Series 

8. Teatime for the Firefly

9. Harriet the Spy

10. Doll Bones

11. So B. It

12. Amber Brown books. 

And that's it so far; I have tons of favorite books, but don't worry, because I'm probably gonna update this with tons of great books. Thanks for reading.

xx Savannah

How to Use Your Blog Design to Get More Traffic

Having a great blog design is 70% the reason why your readers stay when they first see your blog. They see the title, your gadgets, that shnazzy background of yours- all of it, just before reading that A+ post that took you 2 hours to write and have already posted it and Pinned it everywhere. So if your title font is unreadable and your colors make it so that you're reading neon green letters on a neon pink background, no matter how awesome of a writer you are, your blog design matters. I bet only 5% of readers stay on a poorly designed blog just because they love what's being written- no offense to those who are having trouble with this. I've got a couple of tips for using those web design skills to get loads of traffic. 

1) First, make sure you have an About page- not as a separate page directed by a tab, but as a gadget, so that people can learn all about you and your blog without leaving the page they are intending to be on. Be sure to include a picture of yourself. If you're using Blogger, go to Layout>Gadget>Text and copy and paste a picture of yourself, then write a little about you and your blog.

2) Be sure to choose a page font that is easy to read and yet unique, but also something that you like. I love the font that I chose for the page and I think it's pretty easy to read. If you disagree, leave a comment and tell me why you disagree. Also, don't be afraid to choose a couple different fonts because it's really good to mix it up a bit. But don't choose more than 3-4 because that makes it a little confusing. 

3) Have all of your social media links out and ready because someone might want more of you. I have one of my Pinterest boards on my blog, which encourages people to check out my Pinterest page and it lets them know what I like. Have your Facebook page link on your either Contact Page or About Page, and give them links to your Twitter and Instagram if you have them. If you have NO social media whatsoever, this is fine, but I advise that you get some because social media is where you get practically 90% of your page views. Have your links ready!

4) An archives page/gadget is uber important because people don't just want to click "Older Posts" a thousand times to get a look at what you wrote back in November. You can get either a drop down tab of archives, like I have, or a whole page with a link to it on your tabs. Make sure you have one!!

5) Hello Bar is probably the best blogging resource I have ever discovered. You know that little pop-up tab in the bottom right corner of this blog? Hello Bar let me do that- for free. And not just a free trial. You can do that and so much more to get tons of traffic for free with Hello Bar, which is compatible with both Blogger and Wordpress blogs, and it's surprisingly NOT at al complicated. 

6) Make sure your pictures are big and high-quality. If your picture is too blurry to even tell what it is, don't post it. If it's teeny-tiny, don't post it. Only use the best pictures if you want your blog to be the best. Try to use only YOUR pictures.

7) This kind of goes along with what I said above- make sure your photos stay within the page, instead of being too big and going outside the lines into your gadgets- this is really ugly and makes the page seem out of place and will drive some people so crazy that they'll never return to your blog. I always check if the photos are the right size in case they seem a bit big, and you should check, too.

8) Be sure that your background isn't too busy so that you cannot read the title of the blog. I have a friend whose blog background clashes with the title, making it sort-of unreadable. Check that the background cooperates with the title/title font/title color. 

That's all I have to say for now about using your blog design to boost your page views. I promise, you'll see a major spike within a few weeks. Thanks for reading! 

xx Savannah

4 Things to Include in Your Blogging Calendar

Monday, April 27, 2015

If you're a beginner blogger and have just created a calendar for your blog or are about to make one, then you may want to know what to include and what not to include in your schedule. In case you don't know, a blogging calendar or blog planner is a small planner or calendar that keeps track of your blog posts, topics, and even page views. There are so many ways to do this- you can print one off of the internet, use a whiteboard and Expo markers, buy a planner, or simply use a plain yellow notepad (like me). You can make yours as simple or as elaborate as possible, but whatever you do, just make it work for you; other people probably won't ever see it. Use a system that is easy to use but keeps track of all the right stuff. If you make money blogging, then include something for that (e.g. amount of income per month). Here's what you should definitely have in yours:

Emoji clutch DIY!1. A small calendar. This is ideal because you can write down deadlines, things to post that day, number of posts per day, etc. I use mine to track the number of posts per day because it gives me a good overview on things, and I like to see my progress. 

2. A list of brainstormed ideas, just for those days when you have nothing else to write about. Try to have as many ideas written down as possible, just for emergencies and bloggers-block days.

3. At the bottom, write "Total blog posts:" so that at the end of every month, you can write down the total number of posts you wrote for that month, allowing you to sum up your productivity. 

4. STICKY NOTES. STICKY NOTES. STICKY NOTES. Remember- Post-it notes are your friend, because sometimes, nothing is permanent, and you may need to put a sticky over your plans. For example, a canceled or rescheduled blog post, or a rescheduled deadline; that kind of thing. Have Post-it notes on hand, especially colorful ones to fully color-code your system, if you'd like. 

So, if you have a blogging calendar or are planning on making/getting one, I suggest that you include those things so that you can live up to the full productivity of your blog. I hope this has helped, and if you think I missed something that you think of as extremely important, email me or leave a comment below; I'll be sure to add it if I see it as worthy as you do. Thanks for reading!

xx Savannah

Motivation Monday

Live life with arms wide open. A4 print of original pen and ink drawing. Fun design for a child's or teen's bedroom. Property of Camilla Olim.

Motivation Monday


Friday DIY Roundup #12

Friday, April 24, 2015

It's finally Friday, yay, I've been waiting for this all week!!! It has been such a long week- so I'm ready for a weekend full of DIYs. But, if I'm not crafting, I may very possibly be: bike riding, hiking, with my dogs, spring cleaning, gardening, etc. There's a lot I want to do on my free time now that I have it- and since that whole list was outside-things, I also want to watch The Fault in Our Stars (finally, it recorded on Tuesday), but I didn't add it to the list because it was irrelevant to the topic of nature. So sorry I missed last week's roundup, I was in Seattle without a computer, and frankly, it's too hard to blog on a tablet. But here's a couple of craftings to occupy your mind this weekend, I hope you try at least one!

DIY utensil organizer1. DIY Utensil Organizer by A Beautiful Mess (as shown in photo) 

2. Watermelon Stamped Doormat by eHow

3. DIY iPhone Case for Less Than $2 by Classy Clutter 

4. Hoola Hoop Chandelier (this is the best idea ever) by Sarah with an H

5. Kool-Aid Lip Gloss by Adventures in All Things Food

6. Easy Marquee Letters by A Pumpkin and a Princess

7. How to Make Ridiculously Easy Bows by Life Unfluffed

I hope you try out some of these weekend, or next week, or just Pin this post and try it whenever. Actually, why not share this post on Facebook and have your friends try it, too? If you do try something, leave a comment and tell me. Thanks for reading!

xx Savannah

I Just Simply Love This

Thursday, April 23, 2015

Blue children's bedroom with bunkbed |

Art Print

Scream for Ice Cream A3 Poster by BigodeDigital on Etsy, £13.00

Inspiring Quote

Greatness is wherever somebody is trying to find it

How to Brainstorm a Month of Blog Post Topics

If you're like me, then if you're a blogger, you love brainstorming a whole bunch of blog post ideas and then sorting out the ones that you want to post. I do this almost every day- but sometimes it's really difficult to pry the ideas from your overflowing mind. If that's the case, then this is something you should read. I know I've done a ton of posts about brainstorming ideas and tracking blog posts and keeping it all in your blogging schedule, and this is one more. I'm here to tell you about this one simple trick that I heard about from Daniela Uslan here. So, this is NOT my idea, I'm just putting it into my own words for you.  My version may be a little different from Daniela's, so you can check out hers, too.

Step 1: Write down your blog title on a piece of paper. For example, I'd write Rain on a Metal Roof.

Step 2: Now add a couple topics, as many as you can, according to the topics you write about. For example, I might write blogging, journaling, DIYs, things I love, lists, and books. It can be as many as 10 or as little as 3.

Step 3: That's not enough, so you need to break those topics down a little more. Make around 4-5 subtopics. For example, I could break down blogging to blogging schedule, the look of your blog, blog post topics, and blog post brainstorming.

Step 4: Finally, break down the subtopics into  about 5 blog posts. I could break down blogging schedule to:
-5 Tips for Keeping a Blogging Schedule
-Free Printable Blogging Calendar
-How to Start a Blog Calendar
-7 Things you MUST Have in Your Blogging Schdule 
-Why You Should Keep a Blogging Schedule

See, wasn't that extremely simple? Now try it yourself. It can be a little hard at first, but after doing it for a little while, you will really start to get the hang of it. I hope I've helped you today. Thanks for reading!

xx Savannah

Happy Earth Day!

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Happy Earth Day, everyone! I hope that wherever you are, the forecast is sunny and fairly warm. It has been so hot here in Oregon, and the school doesn't have air conditioning so I'm pretty much always hot. But what are you planning on doing this earth day? Staying inside with your sleepy cat and your iPad? That's what I thought- my sister does that every day and Earth Day probably isn't going to make a difference in her routine. But even if it's pouring rain outside, you should grab a rain coat and an umbrella (and some boots, too) and get outside! It's a great day to go on a hike with your dogs, or go camping, or just go out for a picnic. Here's a list of 30 things you can do this Earth Day. 

Milky Way, We are nothing more than dust in the cosmos, And I don't care what you think about it! 1. Have a picnic. 

2. Plant a garden.

3. Go on a hike with your dogs.

4. Plant some fruit trees. 

5. Plant a pine tree, or any kind of tree you like. 

6. Go camping. 

7. Look up at the stars. 

8. Eat dinner outside. 

9. Go for a bike ride.

10. Go fishing. 

11. Do the recycling. 

12. Recycle a cardboard box into something new. 

13. Recycle a paper bag into something new. 

14. Use an old water/soda bottle to make ocean in a bottle. 

Not the exact picture but we have an old road on our farm that looks exactly like this.15. Climb a tree and stay in the tree (tell people before you do this, or else they will cal the cops because they think you're missing but really you're just sitting in a tree).

16. Make labels for your garden. 

17. Fill a bottle with dirt, rocks, grass, herbs, plants, etc. and fill it with little bugs and worms to make yourself a little habitat to care for.

18. Make DIY bird feeders using pine cones, peanut butter, and birdseed- hang them up and observe the birds eating their food. 

19. Go birdwatching. 

20. Make a rock garden. 

21. Pick flowers (not wildflowers, that's bad).

22. Paint, draw, or sketch outside. 

23. Hang up a hammock. 
Fleurs de pissenlit ....
24. Have a photo shoot with all your friends.

25. If it's not fire season yet, build a campfire and roast chicken and s'mores.

26. Collect different leaves and do some leaf rubbings.

27. Play with sidewalk chalk.

28. Teach a younger sibling how clouds are made, or how plants grow and work.

29. Raise tadpoles. 

30. Go for a night and listen for bats and frogs and other night animals.

Which of these will you be doing this Earth day? If you already have plans, what do you have plans for? Tell me in the comments below. Thanks for reading!

xx Savannah

I Just Simply Love This

Tuesday, April 21, 2015


I Just Simply Love This

Cookies and cream baked donuts- here's the link so that you can have something tasty to make you happy today :)

Cookies + cream baked donuts

The Fault in Our Stars Book Review

Monday, April 20, 2015

WARNING: This may contain just a few spoilers about the book ;)

Sometime this weekend, I finished reading The Fault in Our Stars while in Seattle. In case you don't already know, The Fault in Our Stars is a very popular book by John Green about cancer patients who fall in love, it's known for being extremely depressing. (I haven't seen the movie yet, thanks for asking) But overall, this is a pretty good book- the plot and all is just great. This has been on my reading list for a while now, so after I finished The Deathly Hallows, I picked up a copy of The Fault in Our Stars from the library on Monday. I kid you not, this book is so good that I had to slow myself down from reading because I didn't want to finish it all in one night. Here's what I thought-

First of all, this book isn't as depressing as people make it. Yes, many people die. From cancer. I'm not saying who, though- I don't like giving big spoilers. Seriously, I've read sadder books than this, and if you don't believe me, go get yourself a copy of So B. It by Sarah Weeks. But this book is pretty sad- only sad enough to make me bawl my eyes out for a half hour, though. 

Secondly, the characters in this book are just the best. Hazel is someone who never cries, likes to read, is hard to comfort, doesn't care about how she looks, oh, and her lungs suck at being lungs (she has lung cancer). Augustus is someone who is attractive and he knows it, NEC for a few years, and totally romantic. Hazel's dad cries a lot, and Hazel is obsessed with watching ANTM; and it's all bonded together to take place in Indiana. 

Finally, the plot of the story is how Hazel and Augustus eventually bond over the book An Imperial Affliction by Peter Van Houten. Unfortunately, their favorite author lives in Amsterdam, so Gus takes Hazel to Amsterdam, has a romantic time with her, and meets the one and only Peter Van Houten- but he's an alcoholic jerk, and I don't want to tell you whatever happens next in the story.

Well, what do you think? If you've read the book, do you agree with my review? If you haven't read the book, does this tempt you to go read it? If you have only watched the movie and are too lazy to go read the book, it's a very small book that won't take you more than a few days. I enjoyed it a lot- now I'm reading Counting by 7's, so be prepared for a review on that! :) Thanks for reading. 

xx Savannah

Seattle Travel Diary Part 1

On Thursday, the whole family got in the car so that we could drive to Seattle, WA. Since we live in Southern Oregon, we have to follow the interstate for 8 hours before finally landing in the ginormous city that I love- for it's shopping, it's food, and it's overall luxury and class. I did a lot in Seattle- do you live there? Oh, you're too lucky. Here's the whole trip in a nutshell-

ABM office space        Thursday morning, at around 7:00am, I woke up and immediately got dressed, grabbed my bags, and put them in the car. I proceeded to have breakfast, and the rest of the family showered, got dressed, and double checked that everything was ready. But, unfortunately, my sister {secretely} went back to bed and slept in another half hour because mornings simply don't agree with her. So we left at around 7:30am and made it to I-5 by 8:15am. It was so cold and so cloudy. A bit before Portland, about 4.5 hours from home, after I watched a movie, we stopped at McDonalds because we were all starving. Can I just say that their kids toys for HOME are adorable? You push a button, the character makes a heart with his hands, and his heart glows. I love that.

After a while, we reached Portland, and we crossed a really high up bridge and then the Columbia, where we made the transition to Washington. Can I just say that there is this split moment when you cross the Columbia river where my parents are in Washington, and since mt sister and I are in the back, we are still in Oregon. So we excitedly made it to Seattle and found our Hotel, the Sheraton. It is just such a beautiful, luxury hotel I freak out every time because it's amazing- the lobby is so shiny and beautiful. We found our room; on the 26th floor, wayyy up in the sky, a Club Suite just for us. 

So we got relaxed and tried to figure out dinner. After repeated requests (by me) we decided upon the famous Cheesecake Factory. It was right across the street and still early, so I put on a dress and we all walked down there. It is such an amazing restaurant- it looks like a castle, with bi pillars, high ceilings, and a glass case full of cheesecake. I picked out a piece, which I'd be getting to go after dinner. We sat down, I ordered an Americana cheeseburger, which I recommend for all you burger lovers. It was sooo good- and as someone who hates french fries, they were alright. Let me just tell you that that burger was huge and I'm a very small person, so of course I couldn't finish it, but it was so good. 

We then ordered some cheesecake to go. As someone who loves Oreos, but never gets to eat them, I ordered to Oreo Dream Extreme cheesecake. If you live in Seattle, please go to the Cheesecake Factory and pick yourself up a piece- it was the best cheesecake I have ever had, and so big I had to save most of it. It is regular cheesecake with chocolate cake on the bottom, chocolate cheesecake on top, and actual Oreos right in the middle. So good- and it comes with a giant version of just the cookie part, no cream. 

I'll write a little more about the rest of my trip in a bit, this is getting to be exhausting. Don't worry, though, part 2 is coming soon. 

My Reading List

Okay, since I just recently ticked a few books off of my reading list, I decided to update it and share it with the world, where hopefully you will add some of these to your reading list. Will you, or shall you judge these books by their titles? I highly suggest you read some of these with me, so that I can write a good review and you can add to it and relate to it. I love reading and I hope I can get to some of these by this Summer, if not this Spring.

Delicious book cover1. Looking for Alaska by John Green

2. Counting by 7's by Holly Goldberg Sloan

3. Mockingjay by Suzanne Collins (I'm halfway through it, I just have to finish it)

4. Teatime for the Firefly (I'm halfway through this, too) by Shona Patel

5. Farmer Boy by Laura Ingalls Wilder

5. Movers and Fakers by Lisi Harrison

6. Number the Stars by Lois Lowry

7. Never Slow Dance with a Zombie by E. Van Lowe

8. The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo by Stieg Larsson

This is all that I can remember for right now, but I'm sure there's plenty more written down somewhere. I'm going to try to pick up Counting by 7's at the library today. Thanks for reading!

xx Savannah


3 Reasons Why I'm Happy Today

It's Spirit Week!!! Today is Super Hero day, so I've got my Wonder Woman short on along with my new jeans I got in Seattle. Celebrate with me, and dress as your favorite super hero, too. Anyway, let's talk about why I'm happy besides the fact that it's Spirit Week this week; today is Monday, the start of a new day and a new week. Did y'all have a great weekend? What did you do? Leave a comment, tell me, don't be scared- I'll reply as soon as possible. 

ABM office space    1. I went shopping at H&M on Saturday and got just the cutest clothes, to add to m collection of Old Navy clothes from Friday. 

2. I brought back some gifts for my friends from Seattle- a loofah and conditioner for Isabelly, lotion for my Narsha, and shampoo for Nessie (she asked for it). 

3. The Fault in Our Stars (the movie) is on today because I just finished the book this weekend, so I'll be posting both a book and a movie review before the week is over. 

Why are you happy this Monday, the day who is notorious for not being happy? Leave a comment below telling me ONE reason why you're happy today. Thanks for reading!

xx Savannah

Motivation Monday

I'm going to make everything around me beautiful and that will be my life

Motivation Monday


20 Things About Me

Sunday, April 19, 2015

This post was actually inspired by Fat Mum Slim, because I read her blog all the time because Chantelle is just the most fabulous blogger that ever lived. I just got back from Seattle, and I have shopped to the max- at least, I got everything I needed. So I'm making a list of 20 things about me you most likely don't already know, unless you are my best friend... Isabella, that's you. If you already know this stuff, you must be a good detective because I don't think I've mentioned this stuff on Rain on a Metal Roof before. 

1. I am currently learning how to speed-shop, a useful skill that will be ever-so helpful in the future. Maybe I'll write a post about how to speed shop?

2. I've got this weird obsession with office supplies- I've got like 40 notebooks in my closet and I am on the path to writing in all of them. Notebooks make my mouth water, along with paper (seriously), sticky notes, and mini staplers. I need a stamp with my name on it, a stamp with my blog address on it. I want business cards, too. 

3. I feel like online shopping is just the coolest thing in the world- no one is rushing me to get out of the craft aisle already because the store is closing. 
4. I drink lots of tea. Hot tea, cold tea, sweet tea, English tea, breakfast tea, Irish tea, etc. I'm drinking tea right now- English Breakfast tea. Yumm- what's you favourite kind of tea??

5. Having the perfect workspace is the key for me, and since I don't have an office and am working on a laptop, the kitchen island is my workspace. 

6. I have really long, skinny legs so shopping for jeans is like the hardest thing ever for me. They're either too short or too baggy- there's no in between.

7. My favorite Youtuber is Grav3yardgirl- my sister and I love her, we can't live without her videos. 

8. Some people aren't cat people, and that's okay- some people aren't dog people, and that's okay. But I am both- I love dogs and cats the same because I have 2 dogs and 3 cats that love me and that I love back. 

9. I don't type using home row, I use my 2 index fingers. But I'm a faster typer than the average bear- how do you think I manage an entire blog?

10. Does anyone else just love the feeling of a movie theater, with fresh popcorn and a ginormous screen? I have a home theater and a popcorn machine. 

11. I'm in love with baked cheese crunchies- I'm currently eating from a bag of them that I got at Trader Joe's yesterday.

12. The stores I enjoy shopping at (for clothes) include Old Navy, H&M, and my local thrift shop Paisley's. 

13. I'm a total Potterhead- deathly hallows all the way. Though I haven't watched any of the movies besides the first one, I recently finished all of the books. 

14. Fourteen is my favorite number. I don't know why, so don't ask me.

15. My favorite season is Summer- because of the swimming, the sleeping, the eating, the HOT. (also my birthday)

16. I am constantly wearing mix-matched socks, because, in life, you don't need to be the same- you just need to be together. (how inspiring was that?)

17. I am terrified of wasps- I'm not allergic, I just hate things that sting and stab. 

18. The college I want to go to is the Savannah College of Art & Design and I'd like to study graphic design.

19. I love Oreos- but I don't eat them. Instead of the classic sandwich cookie, I eat Oreo ice cream, Oreo blizzards from DQ, and Oreo cheesecake. How crazy is that?

20. Reading is one of my favorite things to do- but I actually read more in the Summertime than I do in a whole school year. 

Please tell me one (or more) things about you so that I can get to know you just a bit more. Thanks for reading!

xx Savannah

Workspace of the Week: April 19

A Beautiful Mess offices

Friday Favorites

Friday, April 17, 2015

This Friday, I'm going to make a list of all of my favorite apps- I recommend all of them, as a blogger and an app lover. I'm currently in Seattle, we just went to the aquarium, the Pike Place Market, and then shopping at Old Navy, so now I'm going to finish off my day before dinner by blogging. Here are all of my favorite apps, and keep in mind, they're all free on the Google Play store. These are all of the apps on my tablet:

At Home With1. Google Notes. 

2. Cut the Rope.

3. Aviary Photo Editor. 

4. Bad Piggies. 

5. Trivia Crack. 

6. Crossy Road. 

7. 4 Pics 1 Word. 

8. Deer Hunt 2014. 

9. Candy Crush Saga. 

10. Dumb Ways to Die 2. 

11. Wonderpolls. 

If you also decide to make a list of your favourite apps on your blog, then leave a link below to that I {we!!} can read all about it! Thanks for reading!

xx Savannah

I Just Simply Love This

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Haruki Murakami inspired journal

6 of My New Favorite Songs

I've been listening to the radio a lot lately, except whenever I hear a good song, I'm so immersed in the song that I forget to even look at the title and the artist- wow, I'm so smart, right? So I finally got the titles of all the songs that I've really been loving lately. Also, don't judge me on my music taste because I only love that Taylor Swift song because it's from the Hunger Games. Also, I found out about the Immortals song because of Big Hero 6 and that's a great movie, by the way. So here are 6 songs that I like to listen to and dance to-
1. Immortals by Fall Out Boy

2. Bright by Echosmith

3. Safe and Sound by Taylor Swift ft. Civil War (songs from District 12 and beyond)

4. Sugar by Maroon 5

5. Uptown Funk by Bruno Mars

6. Radioactive by Imagine Dragons

Do you like any of these songs, too? What's your favorite song? Leave a comment below and tell me.

xx Savannah

4 Desktop Backgrounds I LOVE

I've really been wanting to change up my desktop background and my wallpaper for a while now, because the other one's getting old so I thought I'd switch it up and change it to something I found on Fat Mum Slim because it's just too cute and inspiring. Here are my 4 favorite desktop backgrounds and a link back to the site so that you can download them and use them as your desktops, too. I posted a picture below of the one I have now, Hello Sunshine. 

http://fatmumslim.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2014/07/Hello-Sunshine-wallpaper-desktop.jpg 1. Fill Your Heart

2. Just Start (the one I had) 

3. Hello Sunshine (the one I have now)

4. You Got This 

Follow the link and you can download these yourself. Have fun customizing your laptop with these so-cute wallpapers, I might post more sometime ;)

xx Savannah


KIndles Don't Have Magic

It's so true.

3 Reasons Why I'm Happy Today

It's WEDNESDAY... (does anyone else go through the spelling of Wednesday in their head like "ok wed.... nesss... DAY.") Happy hump day! Okay, funny story that happened on Monday- my best friend and I were in Leadership (reading) and the teacher was just sitting at his desk for a while and we were looking at each other (my friend and I), then the teacher ranDOMLY APPEARED with a Batman Pez dispenser and quietly says "Pez" and gives us both Pez and walks around the whole time saying "PEZ". It was hilarious. 

Fine Art Print Elephants and Espresso by kathrynselbert on Etsy1. I'm going on a 3 day trip to Seattle on Thursday.. SHOP TILL YOU DROP.

2. I got the Fault in Our Stars, FINALLY. It's good. 

3. I got a hover Pin it button!! (DON'T YOU LOVE IT?) Test it out on a picture... hehe. 

Also, isn't that just a beautiful picture of Elephants & Espressos? Adorably delicious. 
Thanks for reading today, leave a comment below and tell me if you like my new hover Pin it button. 

xx Savannah

Sweet Recipe by ABM

Literally, who wouldn't want this on their birthday? Especially that funfetti, I mean, how festive can you be. Get the most delicious recipe ever for this cake here

 Buttermilk Funfetti Cake (via abeautifulmess.com)

Sweet Recipe by ABM

Lavender latte milkshake (via abeautifulmess.com)This lavender latte milkshake is the only thing I'm craving right now- doesn't this look amazing? Get the recipe here.

Theme by: Pish and Posh Designs