10 Lists You Should Keep in Your Bullet Journal

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

If you don't have/keep a bullet journal, you totally should. Here are some posts that I wrote- this one is a text post and this one is a video. Anyway, once you've started one, one of the reasons you probably started is because you are a list lover- and you make a lot of lists, just like me. If you've written all of the lists you could think of, here are a few more ideas for lists to make- just because you love lists, and bullet journaling. 

Give without remembering and receive without forgetting.1. To-do list.

2. What-I-Want list/wish list. 

3. To-buy (shopping for clothes/accessories)

4. Gift ideas. 

5. Grocery list. 

6. Books to read.

7. Places to go.

8. Favorite music. 

9. Goals. 

10. Blogging prompts/ideas (optional). 

If you keep a bullet journal, or just simply a journal in general, then you should totally jot down these lists, or just the title so that you can work on them later!


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