6 Delicious S'Mores-Themed Recipes to Toast Your Marshmallow Heart

Monday, May 2, 2016

When you think of s'mores, what do you think of? Summer nights? Campfires? Chocolaty smiles? I know that there's two whole months to go before we can start summer, but we sure can start thinking about it- and since s'mores are the ultimate summer treat besides watermelon and hot dogs, what better way to spread the vibe? 

S'mores Krispie Treats | by Renee's Kitchen Adventures - easy dessert or snack recipe for krispie treats with traditional s'mores flavor.  Perfect for summer!: 1. S'Mores Snack Mix by Like Mother Like Daughter

2. S'Mores In A Bag by A Girl and a Glue Gun

3. S'Mores Krispie Treats (as shown in photo) by Renee's Kitchen Adventures

4. S'Mores Bark by Wine & Glue

5. S'Mores Bites by The First Year

6. Deep Fried S'Mores by SugarHero ('MURICA!)

I had to add that last part, because if anything is deep fried that probably shouldn't be deep fried unless you're looking for a heart attack must be from America. 

xo Savannah

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