5 Free Downloadable Fonts for Spring

Wednesday, June 1, 2016

One of the main reasons I love Picmonkey is because you can use your own fonts- it's just so special that you can find any font you could ever wish for, and then put it onto your own photo; it's kind of magical, in a way (these are the things bloggers think about all day). I found a couple of cute Spring-themed fonts to share with you, and they're completely freeeeee~

1. Rose AKA Luna
2. Daffodil AKA Lillybelle
3. Tulip AKA Snickles
4. Daisy AKA Waltograph
5. Petunia AKA Ostrich Sans Inline

Yay, I love these! Daffodil is my personal favorite and I can't wait to use it in future photos, and I've always been a fan of Daisy because it's Disney, for pete's sake. 

xo Savannah

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