7 Ways to Charge Your iPhone Faster

Wednesday, June 29, 2016

The part that I love most about having an iPhone is that it will stay charged all week, and it doesn't end up dying on long road trips, so I usually don't end up carrying my charger with me everywhere (which is super convenient). But sometimes, you just really need it to charge a bit faster for something- maybe you have a day of travel ahead and would like to have it fully charged, but it's only at 50%! Luckily, you have an hour to get ready- how can you make it charge faster?

1. First, turn on airplane mode. It's gonna save battery because you won't get any notifications or text messages or anything that would use up any of your precious battery life.

2. Now, do the most obvious thing that not everyone knows about; turn on low power mode. This is super easy to do: just go into Settings > Battery > Low Power Mode ON. Battery is in the third little section, in between Touch ID & Passcode and Privacy. Turning on Low Power Mode temporarily reduces the amount of power that is used, which turns off mail fetch, background app refresh, automatic downloads, etc. It also turns your little battery in the corner from green to light orange.

3. Close all of your apps for pete's sake! What do you even think is using all of the battery life?! In case you didn't know this, the most obvious feature on the iPhone, close all of your apps completely by double clicking the Home button, which will show everything that is currently open.

4. Now turn on night shift, a really cool feature that can temporarily disable the blue light your phone is emitting. It gives your screen a bit of a yellowy tint, which is normal. Fun fact: it's been proven that most cases of insomnia are caused by the blue light your device is emitting, because your body thinks it resembles a blue sky, which means daytime, which means don't go to sleep. Turning this off will help your battery life significantly, because ever since I started turning it on when I go to bed, my phone stays charged way longer! You can turn on night shift by pulling up the tool bar on the bottom of your screen and tapping the little icon at the very bottom center that has a moon on it.

5. Turn your brightness all the way down. It doesn't use a whole lot of power, but enough that your iPhone will charge faster if you turn it down. This can be done either in the Settings or in the bottom toolbar.

6. Now plug your phone into a different charger, like one you would use for your iPad. If you don't have one, then this step is optional, but it will guarantee to charge your phone 30% faster than a regular iPhone charger, so I always do this when I want my phone to charge as fast as possible.

7. Finally, turn your phone over. This prevents the screen from lighting up because the it senses that the phone is turned over and face-down (screen down haha), so your screen won't light up every time you get a pesky notification.

I hope this helped you out, and that now your phone can be at 100% as you please! I hate it when my phone gets below 60%, it just bugs the heck out of me and I have to plug it in :(

xo Savannah

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