10 Reasons Why You Should Blog

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

When I started my blog last May, I really had no idea that it would ever grow to be like how it is now with so many readers and posts every day on a variety of subjects. I just started it because I was bored, I had nothing to do, and I planned for it to be a news and science blog (haha! how nerdy was I? okay, that was embarrassing to talk about, let's move on) but I didn't think I would look forward to it every day of my week. Now, blogging is my favorite hobby, and I wouldn't want to live without it. Here are 10 reasons why you should start a blog, too~

6 Ways to Upgrade Your Apartment on a Budget | Her Campus: 1. To improve your writing skills. When I first started, I was a somewhat terrible writer, and I love how over time (no matter how little time) I've kind of started to find my voice and figure things out. I know what words to write, what I want to write about, and how I'll do it. 

2. To connect with others across the world! It's really amazing to connect with someone and meet someone that loves to blog as much as you do, especially creating a community filled with these kind of people. 

3. To gain confidence. Just like my writing skills, my confidence grew, too. It's really cool to see that what I'm writing matters and actual people are taking time out of there day to come here and read my blog. Thanks, readers :)
4. To find your voice. I don't know about you, but I want to write a book someday, and being a good writer is all about having the right voice so that other people can feel like they are actually speaking with you and so then your book gets popular. 

5. To share yours and others work. When I say others, that can have a lot of meanings such as having guest posts on your blog, writing about someone's artwork, reviewing other peoples products, etc. There are a lot of ways so share work that isn't yours, along with even more ways to share work that IS yours (don't steal content, seriously)

6. To turn yourself into a DIY expert! Position yourself as an expert by considering yourself an expert at what you do and write that way. You readers will consider you an expert, and it's a win-win. You never know, you just might be an expert. 

7. To help an inspire others. That is why I blog, personally, and that's why you should, too. You can do this is so many different ways, you just have to find your niche. 

8. To find clarity with your thoughts. I have thousands of thoughts, wonders, and intentions swarming through my head on a daily basis and I sometimes write them down here just for clarity and the sake of getting personal with my dear readers. 

9. To seek new clients, if you're a small business owner or entrepreneur. There are so many people on the internet now, that you could probably get over a third of the clients you have now off of the internet just by blogging, if you get the right following. 

10. And finally, to have documentation of your life. Won't it be nice to have your great-great-grandchildren see what 2015 was like by reading your blog? Don't you want to be remembered? (If you're reading this, great-great-grandchildren, Apple is the best and don't disrespect your ancestors by buying Samsung). 

It's been a really long time since I last wrote a post about blogging tips, and I'm gonna try really hard to write more on this subject of blogging tips this Fall. I hope this helped you out a little bit and inspired you to start your own blog- trust me, it's worth it. Thanks for reading!

xx Savannah

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