How to Never Run Out Of Blog Post Ideas

Monday, January 11, 2016

It's 11:00pm on a Tuesday night, and you have no idea what to write about, because you have a post due the following morning but didn't schedule one. You're brain dead and have no idea what to write about- I can't fix the situation for you right this second, but I can show you how to prevent future catastrophes like this (and yes this is a catastrophe, you'd agree if you were ever in this situation!). It's pretty easy, and I got a hang of it really quickly, and it gets fun. It's INSANE how easy it is, and I'm talking straight jackets in an asylum INSANE. 

-First, you're gonna want to choose how you want to schedule everything. I find Google Calendar works perfectly fine, it's accessible from my computer, tablet and phone which allows me to take it wherever I go. But if you're more of a paper-and-pen kind of gal, then go out and get yourself a Erin Condren planner- treat yo self! (Erin Condren planners are the best, so, yeah) Write it out in there. If you already have a planner, then I would recommend buying a separate one just for your blog, so you can keep track of posts, deadlines, projects, emails, orders, etc. 

-Now find some time, about half an hour to an hour of time, and sit yourself down to have a brainstorming session. Determine what kind of posts you want to write: blogging tips, fitness, recipes, DIYs, lifestyle, business, etc. and start thinking of titles. I found an AWESOME cheat sheet here on blog post titles, and I love it, it's super convenient for when you're not feeling creative enough to think of any. Plus, there are dozens of blog post title generators, but they're not nearly as good as what's on the cheat sheet. 

-Once you've thought of a couple, make a ton more, perhaps expanding on one (for example, make a part 1, part 2, etc.) to make even more posts if you have a lot to say on one subject. If you're a blogger that write about a lot of different things, then try to have variety. Don't do an entire week of blogging tips, then not write about it for a month. Be consistent! 

Free stock photo of nature, flowers, plants, insect-Finally, fill in the calendar. Put a post for every day you write- so if you write once a week, then you could have a good 6 months of posts to write. But if you write daily, then it might only be one month. (Just remember- no matter how often you write, quality comes first) Personally I have posts scheduled all the way up to April. Try to brainstorm every week/month, whichever works for you. 

Always write for your readers, not SEO. Quality before quantity. Be consistent. Those are a few out of many tips that you'll learn when blogging. No body knows what they're doing, we're all learning as we go. So don't worry if something doesn't work out because that isn't gonna end your blogging career, just keep on moving forward. 

xo Savannah

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