Study Tips for Taking Better Notes This Semester

Thursday, February 11, 2016

I don't know about you, but at the school I go to, we just got into a new semester- new classes, new homework. We're into the middle of the year now, so you're kind of used to everything, like taking notes during a video. We don't take notes during lectures or anything, just videos (which can be even harder sometimes). I've got a couple of tips for taking good notes, and then what to do with those notes (depending on the assignment). 


Free stock photo of mountains, nature, hiking, travel
-First, think about what you're going to be writing about and how much space it will take up. I HATE it when it's the middle of the video, and I run out of space on my paper, so I have to waste priceless seconds to get out a new sheet of paper, and then I miss something very important. So grab a couple of sheets of paper, and also use a pen instead of a pencil if you can, so that there's no worries about having to sharpen it if it breaks. (use a reliable pen!)

-Don't skip lines. Yes, it makes it look neat, but you're also wasting valuable space and this is pretty much why you're ending up using twice as much paper as you need. Fill the lines, save trees. 

Free stock photo of mountains, nature, sunset, palms-You know how right before a workout you do a bunch of stretches, to prepare? It's the same with taking notes. Your hands will surely get cramped up, so give them some mini stretches. 

-Give it a good title and the date, so that if someone asked what day you guys took notes, you can tell them. Plus, you probably have, like, a gazillion different notes in your locker so a title will help you out (don't just write "NOTES"). Do something like "Revolutionary War Vid Notes, Feb 11". 
Free stock photo of light, sea, dawn, nature


-When you're all done and have multiple pages of notes all done and you're super proud of yourself, staple it. Don't just use a paperclip, their measly and weak, and will fall off and plus they'll just get lost or something. Staples are forever. 

-Put them someplace safe where you'll remember where they are, because the last thing you want to happen is to lose 5 pages of double sided notes which can't be replaced because you took the most notes out of the whole class. DON'T. LOSE. THEM. 

Free stock photo of coffee, cup, drink, espresso-Meet up with your friends afterwords, like on the weekend or something, for a study session. Compare notes and write down everything they have that you don't have. You can never have too much, and plus you could be helping someone else out. Discuss anything you don't understand. Study sessions can be super helpful, and you'll thank me afterwards. 

-*OPTIONAL* If you have very messy handwriting (like me), then it's gonna be even messier when you're writing down a million things at once at the speed of light, so grab some fresh paper and rewrite everything if it's something that someone else will be reading later. 

These should help you out a lot, and if not, then just remember- only 5 more months until all of this is over :)

xo Savannah

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