How to Take Better Instagram Photos

Monday, June 13, 2016

Instagram is by far one of my top favorite social medias- it's appealing to the eye, interesting, people are actually active, its used by celebrities and I actually have a decent amount of followers. You can go follow me @savannahbby_14, I have a pretty good looking theme right now.... I actually went back and deleted photos because they didn't match my theme #instaqueenproblems hahahhahahhaha.

1. Lighting

This is @mylifeaseva's photo from Instagram ❤   - image #3005324 ...: Lighting is everything. No harsh lighting, nah, this has to be soft and indirect. Direct lighting will cast dark, weird shadows and won't make it look good. The best places are by windows and under soft lamps, but nothing too direct, like sunlight or really bright lamps.

2. Uniform photos

For a photo to go on Instagram, it has to be square. But you do not want to crop that landscape photo because oh my good lord it is perfect and looks like a professional took it when you actually took it on your iPhone. There's a simple fix- Whitagram. It automatically adds a white frame to make your photo a square, and it looks super nice, so when all of the photos in your profile have it, your theme will be on point.

3. The right editing

It's not hard to turn something bland and boring into a cute photo worthy of all of your social medias. a couple of tweaks will create the ultimate glow-up; all you need to do is increase the saturation, a little more fade, adjust the contrast, more brightness, etc. There are bunches of YouTube videos and Pinterest tutorials to help you ultimately achieve this, which brings me to my next tip....

4. The VSCO trick
Instagram photo by @filtertime via
This one is awesome, and when I heard about it on YouTube I was just amazed. All you need for this is the VSCO Cam app and Pinterest. Basically, just go on Pinterest and search "vsco" and a bunch of pictures will pop up, and they're basically templates for your Instagram theme! Just follow what it says on VSCO and all of your pictures will look uniform and beautiful.

5. Landscape it

Did you know that landscape photos are more appealing to the eye? Think about it. This doesn't mean you should only post landscapes and quit the profile shot, no no no no no, I'm just saying that those are more appealing to the eye and people are more likely to like it and tag their friends.


-Think of a cute caption. Witty ones that include puns always get good feedback, or go for something more deep- and if you can't think of anything, just add a couple of emojis!

pinterest ↠ beccaadownss_: -Don't forget the hashtags! This makes it more likely for people to find your photo when they're searching for a certain tag.

-This one's a big one; tell them to tag their friends! If they do, more people end up seeing and liking your photo, and then they'll tag people, and so on! So many people will end up seeing your photo.

If you follow these, it's a full proof plan to get more followers who like your content and enjoy what you post. Just remember to post frequently and don't ever spam your followers (too much)!

xo Savannah

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