Cork Board Inspiration

Thursday, October 8, 2015

So have you seen all the cork board stuff on Pinterest?? It's practically going viral. I love cork boards, because they're so versatile, you can do practically anything with them. You can have a fabric-covered cork board, paint a cork board, glue it onto certain items (magazine holder, inside of cupboards, boxes and other containers, etc.), and so much more and then take a couple of push pins and throw up some photos, maybe posters, drawings, little reminders. It's really simple and they look really nice in your home. Here's some more inspiration: 

corkboard stencil, and paint frame--supercute project for cheapo corkboard from walmart!: Paint your cork board with a stencil of your choice! Maybe put your logo on it? Paint the corners, paint stripes, paint different sections for different things. Make a rainbow cork board? The possibilities are endless. 

You could also glue down fabric for a really personalized board- this tutorial can help you with that. 

"my so called home" hanging measuring   spoons and cups is great idea for small kitchen spaces. no   digging!: Like I said above, glue it to the inside of a cupboard and BOOM! Maximum storage, you're welcome. Take up a grocery list, measuring cups (as shown in photo), maybe a coupe of photos or articles to read while you rifle around looking for that bag of marshmallows you swear you bought last week but maybe they didn't make it home? 

Did I mention cork board is washi tape friendly? Tape down a cute pattern in your favorite washi tape. Maybe just do the borders, or perhaps an intricate design of your choice. The ideas go on and on...

I forgot to talk about this above, but you could take multiple boards and paint diagonal stripes on them to make something really cool looking, like in the photo below. I think it looks amazing, especially with the white. 

Turn cheap Norrlida frames ($12.99) into cork boards. | 37 Cheap And Easy Ways To Make Your Ikea Stuff Look Expensive: Did you know that you can buy really cool push pins just to make your cork board that much more awesome?? Either that,or you can DIY them with a few rhinestones and some E6000 glue. Maybe try faux (small) flowers? Perhaps small knickknacks, such as little foods, and every time you run out of a certain food (such as milk) you can still a miniature milk on a pushpin and stick it on your board. 

What you could also do with that E6000 glue you have on hand from the push pins is glue a couple of tacks onto clothes hangers, stick those onto your board, put up some twine, and use the clips to hang little Polaroids! Wouldn't that we super cute? (spoiler- it would)

So that's all I have to talk about today but stay tuned for a Friday DIY round up tomorrow because I cannot WAIT! It's gonna be awesome. So yeah, stay tuned. Thanks for reading!

xx Savannah

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