How to Motivate Yourself to Study

Thursday, September 15, 2016

School is in full spring and so is homework- and I really didn't think there'd be this much homework this early in the year. It can be really hard sometimes to motivate yourself to study and do your homework and actually read a book once in a while, so here are some tips that I have found useful for high school in general.

1. Have a little homework station somewhere in your house. It can be portable, too, like a little carrier with pens and pencils so that you can work outside while it's still warm out and then maybe by the fireplace when it gets chilly? This is gonna help a lot, especially if it's cute (and pink!).

2. Set a timer/reminder for yourself so that you remember to study. I set a reminder on my phone last weekend to work on an essay, and since it was on my lock screen every time I opened my phone, I remembered to do it, and it definitely guilt-tripped me into working on it. Also, I have an alarm for 5pm every day so that I remember to do any homework that I have, and it's super useful.

3. Work with friends. Get to school a little earlier in the morning and have a get together with your friends in the library where it's nice and quiet, and you can all work on the homework together, or quiz each other if you have a test coming up. It's nice to be able to work with other people as opposed to working alone, even if it means getting up a little earlier.... *cringe*

4. Get the Quizlet app on your phone! I re-downloaded this this morning and every time I look at it on my home screen, I remember to study. Plus, if you don't have a computer nearby or if you're just bored during lunch, getting a little bit of study time in every day can help out a ton.

Gotta go to bed now, because I'll be getting up at 5am for the next four years. Toodaloo!

xo Savannah

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